Luxury Feather Bed from DownLinens

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Disclosure- The product reviewed and the content for this post was sourced from DownLinens, online resources, and my own opinions.  Thoughts are my own and honest.  For more, see the “I Disclose” tab.


A nice, warm,soft bed has to be one of the best ways to end a Fall day.  Nothing quite ends a long and stressful day like crawling under the sheets and drifting to sleep.


Luckily enough, Down Linens has some wonderful bedding to help bring about that good night’s sleep we all desire.  One such accessory is the Luxury Feather Bed, from  The Feather bed consists of a two inch layer of soft feathers topped with an incredibly soft down fill.  The combination makes for one of the softest beds I have ever slept in.  I especially like the combination of a firm mattress with the soft feather bed on top of it.  This gives not only the comfort and softness of the feather bed, but also the feel of a firm mattress as well.

feather bed

Get a Full Night’s Sleep

Some of us don’t simply drift to sleep gently and calmly- some snore, roll around, and even talk and sing ourselves to sleep.  (Yeah, I totally married that guy.)  One of the most interesting things is when you discover how your little ones sleep.  Little Man is a mover and a talker.  After talking and singing to himself, he finally falls asleep.  He will start out on his pillow but rolls around, flips top to bottom, makes pin wheels, and in general tries to traverse every inch of his bed, all while sleeping soundly.  Soundly except for the ruffle of sheets of course.  There have been times where he has not only spun around completely, but then slowly creeped out of bed onto the floor.  Luckily enough, he hasn’t made it too far off the bed before someone has adjusted him or he gets caught by his bed bumpers.

feather bed is having a photo contest- check out for the Lil’ Dreamer’ photo competition – you submit a photo of your child/pet/family member sleeping in a cute or funny position to be in with a chance to win an iPad. Contestants also have to like the Downlinens Facebook page to be in with a chance to win.


  1. Wendy @ ABCs and Garden Peas says

    Thanks for the info on the contest! I’m definitely going to enter!

  2. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says

    Thank goodness for those bed bumpers! I kinda like the idea of having a soft smooshy pillow top over a firm mattress. You’re making me sleepy again and I just got up!

  3. Danielle Fleske says

    The luxury feather bed from Down Linens sounds absolutely amazing. I often have a hard time getting comfortable after a long day. I definitely think that the Luxury Feather Bed would be wonderful to own and to help achieve that great nights sleep.

  4. I really need one of these feather toppers. I’ve been looking for a way to make my bed more comfy & inviting and this just might be the answer. Thanks for sharing.

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