Pairing Wine and Pizza

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If you’re a pizza lover, you probably enjoy the combination of a great pizza and a bottle of your favorite wine. When foods and beverages are paired correctly, one greatly enhances the flavor of the other. Do you know how to choose the perfect wine for your favorite pizza?

Red or White Wine?

Traditionally, the three main ingredients in pizza are dough which rises to a thin crust of bread, tomato sauce and melted cheese. When pairing the best wines for pizza, you must take the main ingredients into account. While full-bodied white wines, sparkling wines and even Champagne can be wonderful with the right pizza ingredients, red wines are still your best choice. They always pair best with the heavy, earthy ingredients in pizza, regardless of the toppings. 

Acidity and Tannin Levels

With red wine declared the first choice, the next thing to consider is the acidity and tannin of the wine. Since melted cheese has a high fat content, you need a wine with high acidity to cut the fat. The tomato sauce on the pizza has a high acidity level, so you also need a high acidity wine. Avoid red wines that have a high tannin level. If tomatoes are combined with high tannin levels, you can experience a metallic taste that’s quite unpleasant. 

The next time you order your favorite pizza, select a great red wine for perfect pairing. When your fresh pizza arrives at your door in those special stay-hot delivery bags, be prepared for a great meal. 

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