Summer Adventures with Smuckers and Walmart (the Snackation destination)

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I was recently asked by The J.M. Smucker Company to create some unique tips for Summer and I wanted to share with you.

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Summer time means long trips and plenty of fun with family. Sometimes, this fun hits some bumps and issues, like rain, rowdy kids, or car mishaps. Another “fun” thing we all deal with regularly is the ‘ hangry’ monster that can attack not only children but adults as well. Perhaps it’s because you forgot to pack enough snacks, or someone decides to drive just a little while longer without making a pit-stop. Then the Hangry attacks, with a stomach growl then a full on tantrum for no reason. Best way to curb this monster? With some proper snacks that are healthy, filling, and fun.

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I am a firm believer of the classic peanut butter and jelly for any road trip as a go, meal stretcher, or a meal. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches will both fill you up, are sweet, and have a protein punch to keep your body going even on the longest of road trips. If planned as a meal make sure to still plan for the stop- kids need to get out now and again.

Tip # 1 Getting out of the car is important for family sanity. In our family, we have a unique take on the classic peanut butter and jelly idea. The little guy doesn’t like mixing things, so it is either peanut butter or jelly- never both. Dad likes crunchy peanut butter and mom likes either way, so there are a few different sandwiches ranging in levels of peanut butter and jelly. To really make things fun, check out Walmart for all your Snackation needs- they have Jif Whips, Jif Chocolate Flavored Hazelnut Spread, Smucker’s Squeeze Grape, and my favorite- Smucker’s Strawberry Jam. With all these options, you are destined to find one to fit the pickiest among your family.


Tip # 2 Just be sure to include your family in the process.  If you have kids, don’t assume its a jelly only day because if you do, you are wrong. With kids, no matter what you do, it’s bound to be wrong, LOL.

Tip # 3 Make too much. Make and extra sandwich or two. If nothing else Dad will eat it- and you don’t want a hangry kiddo in the backseat, whining away.

Tip #4 Bring Wipes.  They are good for everything from bathroom emergencies to cleanups to car messes and messy faces and hands.  My son is always making a hot mess- I say that’s how you know he has had fun, by how dirty his clothes have gotten, LOL.


  1. I believe in packing a lot of snacks! Food makes everyone happy. We have that same Shaun the Sheep shirt too!

  2. Whenever we hit the road with the kids, I try to put together plenty of snacks for the kids. I always seem to forget ones for me, because I won’t go near things like peanut butter, or jelly! But the kids love when I make little peanut butter and jelly cracker sandwiches for them.

  3. thanks for the great post,its true you do need snacks while travelling and the healthier the better.

  4. That lunch looks delicious and cute

  5. That’s a cute sandwich, I have to try making one 🙂

  6. Raki (Outside the Box Mom) says

    Perfect tips for my upcoming weekend trip.

  7. My kids get “hangry” too. I will confess to packing peanut butter, jelly and a loaf of bread in my suitcase for vacations. It’s an easy way to deal with hungry kids.

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