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Hey guys! PROFESSOR BARRISTER’S DINOSAUR MYSTERIES are soon to release book number 3!
Mystery #3: The Case of the Enormous Eoraptor

Join Prof. Barrister, Nate and Emily on another exciting dinosaur adventure, this time to the Dawn of the Dinosaurs!

Not only that, but you can purchace signed copies of Stephen Penner’s first two books of the Dinosaur Mystery series ๐Ÿ™‚
(Which, as you know, I highly recommend!)
The first two books are adorable- I can’t wait to read the third!
Stay tuned for updates! LOL…Have a great Tuesday!

here’s the link to those DISCOUNTED AUTOGRAPHED COPIES of Professor Barrister’s Dinosaur Mysteries!

Click here to buy Professor Barrister’s Dinosaur Mysteries #1: The Case of the Truncated Troodon, written and illustrated by Stephen Penner


  1. Hi, thanks for following. I’m returning your follow from the Thrifty Things. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Hi,

    Congrats on your 1st 100 followers. Im your newest follower from the blog hop. Come on by when you get a chance.

  3. Hey sorry I took so long to follow back but I am going to now. It has been crazy moving into college as well as my internet not working and having numerous it techs here try to fix it. Thanks Love the blog

    <3 Gabby (Sassy Style Cards)

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