Back to school- the fun has begun!

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Ah, back to school….
Which of course means back to school nights, picture days, parent teacher conferences, fund-raising,….all during the first month, lol.
I think it’s too much too fast.  I get a bit overwhelmed.  (And I’m a teacher!)  Maybe that’s why I get overwhelmed.  I get it on two fronts, haha.  What do you think?
Do you think it’s nuts?  Like, too many things, too fast?  My daughter only went back Sept 8, and we already have all those things listed above for Sept.  How about your kids?


  1. Hey are soo funny! I was reading your post and thinking man I thought I was the only one saying this. We are only into the 3rd week of school and they’ve already sent home a fundraiser. I’m all for raising money for the school but they press the kids to “sell, sell, sell” and then give them dollar store prizes. I really don’t like how they do that, or make the kids feel pressured to sell. Or how about when they have a huge party for the kids that sell the most and then the other ones feel all left out?

  2. New follower from monday blog hop… love your logo btw! We are year-round schools in Raleigh so we are done w/our 1st Qrtr already and are now on break! 🙂 Crazy schedules! Stop by for some momentum from one sleep deprived mom to another!

  3. I love Back to School! Quiet(er) time for mama!
    I have awarded you a blog award, see it here….

  4. My kids went back at the beginning of August and I was soooooooo happy! Thank God for teachers, because I NEEDED them to go back to school. Haha. We had a ton of stuff to do the first 2 weeks (especially because I have 3 kids at 3 different schools), but things have calmed down now.

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