Party In My Tummy!

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Quick book review! Little Man just got this Book- It’s from his favorite show- Yo Gabba Gabba!!!
It’s called “Party In My Tummy”.
Do you, like me, have a Yo Gabba Gabba Fan in your house? This new board-book is adorable. It is a fun “lift the flap” book, where the characters invite their favorite foods to the “party” in their tummies. They are reminded to eat their veggies, too! If you have a YGG lover, they will love this book. SO, SO cute. And he made me read it, like, 5 times, of course. And we brought it to school today, where we had to read it before the kids ate lunch, lol….
So yummy!

Don’t forget, you can still get tickets to “Party In My City!” (We can’t wait! Going Tuesday to the Providence show!) Get your tickets at

And there is still time to enter my Yo Gabba Gabba Giveaway!
Yay! Good luck!


  1. Im following from Tuesday Blog Hop come on by and follow back :)! Naomi

  2. Following from the MBC (FFF Group)

    You can find me at:

    Off to enter your Yo Gabba Gabba Giveaway! My TWO year old LOVES that show!

  3. Hey I’m a subscriber from mailbox mondays (sorry I’m a little late =)

    Oh So Savvy Mom

  4. Hello there,
    I am now following you and have subscribed to your blog as per Mailbox Monday.

  5. Oh – actually following you as Parenting ad absurdum – I used the wrong google account in my first comment…!

  6. My little ones have graduated to Phineas and Pherb… but I miss Yo Gabba Gabba – great review :).

    Am following you now from mbc!

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