Summer Reading Program

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Our library is great.  They always have these really fun programs for the kids.  This summer was “Make a Splash at Your Library!”  It encourages the kids to keep reading, with sticker charts and cute arts and crafts.  I love to read- if you have not noticed, lol.  And we do a LOT of reading to and with the kids. We finished our charts on Sunday- which can only mean one thing- summer is pretty much over!  🙁 
Well, it was fun while it lasted!  It’s almost Friday!  See you!


  1. New follower from Bee Funny Friday Follow!

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  4. Hopping over from the blog hop! Happy Friendly Friday!

    Hope to see you hopping okay to my blog to say “Hi”. I always return the love (follows/comments). See you soon!

    Twitter: @hgimomblog (I follow back)

  5. New Follower from Follow Me Friday Blog Hop

  6. Stopping by from Boost MBF!

    Your blog is just a delight and your blog title really caught my eye!
    I am now following you!

    Happy Friday!

  7. Hello,

    I wanted to let you know that I am following you from Moms Blogger Club, “The Simply Follow” group. I am hoping when you get a chance you can follow me back at and Also, I would love to place a link to your site on my blog if you want to do the same with my blog on yours. Please let me know by sending me an email regarding this and it has been nice meeting you via the web.

    Thanks, Tracey
    (a.k.a Britney/ author)

  8. I agree with you. Reading is magical and can take you or your child to distance places without leaving your house. I can remember on book I read as a child that I became so engrossed in that I could hear my mother calling me but could not take my eyes from the pages to respond (until the calls became screams 🙂
    It was the ‘Box Car Children’ series. My daughter learned the love of books early but my son seemed uninterested in books. We went to a book store and I bought him his first book in the series of ‘Box Car Children’. The magic began and I spent the whole summer screaming his name to find him under a tree with the book in hand.
    Reading is one of the most valuable gifts a parent can give to a child.
    Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  9. New follower from MBC. Come visit me:

  10. We enjoyed our local library’s reading program too! We were sad when it ended August 16th. We love to read. Hope you’re having a great night. Blessings,

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