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Quill.com is doubling the donation amount for every Hope sticker created. From now until 10/31, Quill.com will give $2 for every sticker made on our Facebook page to City of Hope, up to $20,000.
The “Hello My Name is Hope” campaign, presented by Quill.com, is an effort to boost breast cancer awareness, Quill.com is inviting all Facebook users to post and personalize virtual “Hello My Name is Hope” stickers on their profiles to honor both survivors and victims of the disease. The familiar “Hello My Name Is” stickers take on new meaning with personalized messages of hope and support shared across the Facebook community. For every sticker shared, Quill.com will donate $1 – up to $20,000 – to City of Hope, a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center dedicated to research, treatment and education.

Hi, stopping by from the Saturday Stalk Blog Hop! Please feel free to stop by my blog 🙂 Thanks!
Awesome, thanks for letting us know! I just went over and made a sticker. 🙂
I like the idea. I should go do mine