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Wa-hooo!!! Guess what, guys? I get to do a review with CSN! I’m super excited. CSN/stores.com has every, every, every thing on their sites. A small smattering?
office products
pet products
Hehehe…Did you know that CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find everything from tables to fantastic fitness equipment to cookware? I did not. Yes, yes, how lame of me. I just thought they were one big store!
Want to see 3 particularly cool ones?
www.cookware.com,- the name kind of says it all, right? The hubs has been jonesing for a Rice Cooker….so many options!
www.allmodern.com – take a look at the table and chair sets! and endless flatware…

and www.luxebycsn.com Oh My GOODNESS it’s ALL shoes and purses! For real! I will need to be pried from that site over and over to complete this post….must…complete….post……

The force is too strong….must return to site! Must see shoes…..Stay tuned for more….review to follow…..shoes!!!!
the cooking url is good