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Guess who is touring LIVE???? Curious George! It’s George’s first live musical stage show ever! How super fun and exciting!
Curious George is going to be coming to NJ’s State Theater in New Brunswick October 23-25. We can’t wait to go! Little Man LOVES monkeys- and George is a favorite! (As you will know, bloggy buddies, from all the photos with Curious George in them, LOL…in his crib, at school, etc)

World Premire Tour
New Brunswick, NJ; State Theatre
Sat, Oct. 23- Mon, Oct. 25, 2010
Starring in his own original live musical stage production for the first time
ever, Curious George is on a mission to help Chef Pisghetti save his
restaurant by winning a world-famous meatball competition. With guidance
from his friend, The Man with the Yellow Hat, George’s adventures take
him to Rome and The Golden Meatball Contest. With every swing and flip,
George takes the audience through a fun-filled, entertaining story filled with
music, dance and follow-that-monkey fun.

This “edu-taining” Broadway-style show is 90 minutes of singing, dancing and
audience participation.
Did you know that Curious George is celebrating 65 years? Curious George looks great for his age! LOL.
You can see Curious George and his friends, including (of course!) The Man in the Yellow Hat, on
We can’t wait to go! We love George and his antics, LOL.
There are 4 adorable performances here in NJ! Tickets on-sale Fri, July 16, 2010 at the box
office and through www.StateTheatreNJ.org.
Don’t live in NJ? That’s OK! Curious George Live is coming to a town near you! You can find tickets for a show near you HERE.
And you know that I will be post a review of the show as soon as we see it- so stay tuned! Hugs to you, bloggy buddies!!!
We went and had so much fun and I hope y’all have lots of fun too!
I posted about our trip here http://lifeisasandcastle.blogspot.com/2010/06/curious-george-live.html
Sounds like fun, we’re preparing to go see Gabba this weekend.
I am not far from there I think my kid would love to go