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Ahhh, Friday at last!!!
I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Oh wait, I have kids…that was a nice thought, thought, right?
So, we know we all need coffee. I am not as young as I used to be (isn’t that the oddest expression ever?) I never used to be a coffee drinker. But then I had my Little Man, and once I started working in the Pre-K so I could take him with me, I became one. I have to be at work by 7 am, and it’s a 45 minute drive, so that’s not fun. I brought a coffee machine to work. But now I had to find decent coffee. I really, really hate coffee. Like, a lot. And there were a few brands I didn’t want to talk about here, because I thought they were “junky”, or run of the mill at best. Really, who needs to hear about “eh” coffee, when I can tell you about FABULOUS coffee like Jim’s Organic Coffee?
I was sent 2 flavors to review. Bloggy Buddies, I love flavored coffee. YAY that Jim’s Organic offers several varieties!

The coffee, first off, smells amazing.
I was sent JoJo’s Java- a medium roast, described by Jim’s as “For my wife, this blend of grace, full of aroma and great taste. You’ll love its smoothness, its never bitter. So relax with a cup, leave the kids with a sitter.
Roast: Medium. In a word: Perfection.”

It was crazy good. I brought it to work, and my co-workers all agreed it was by far and away the best coffee that we had ever had. Starbucks who? (Really.) The flavor was smooth, there was no bitter “bite” that I often associate with coffee. And the smell! (I know, again with the smell, lol…)
The office where the coffee pot is, is 4 rooms away from the front, where we all spend the mornings. (7-9 am) The pleasant, warm, inviting aroma beckoned us all the way there! (Drink me! You know you want to!!!) So, we obliged, lol.
I was also sent naturally flavored Double Chocolate. (Uh yeah, count me in!) Jim says “All natural chocolate flavors added to a mellow coffee base.” I say- delicious! Even the hubby, who initially whined about getting flavored coffee instead of “real” coffee- really likes it! (Haha!) It is a really nice way to wake up in the morning. I left this coffee home, for the weekends. 🙂

What else can I say about Jim’s Organic Coffee? How about that it is made in a 100% renewable energy plant? That it is fairly traded? That their coffee is grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers? This improves the ecosystem of the farms and local communities where the coffee is grown. Jim’s has partnered with the EPA’s Green Power Partnership and Sterling Planet in order to use only green energy. Jim’s Organic Coffee is one of the first companies to use a sealed, one-way valve, stay fresh coffee bag that contains renewable resources. It’s a company that cares!! (have you noticed a pattern here at Have Sippy Will Travel?) It’s great coffee that tastes great, is better for you (no chemicals!) and for the planet.
Go give them a try- your mornings will thank you! And check them out on Facebook! Tell them Have Sippy Will Travel sends their love, lol. Happy Friday, Bloggy Buddies!
That is very green coffee!
My wife wants only Fair Trade Coffee I will email her this link
I don’t know why I wasn’t following before, I could have sworn I followed?
Following now : )
Thanks for stopping by Lucas’s Journey w/spd and linking up every week : )