Disclosure: In any review for a product or service, products or compensation may have been provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” and "Terms of Use" tabs for more information.
Happy Sunday, bloggy buddies 🙂
I am happy to introduce a really fun site to you all- it’s called “The Kit Place”!

It’s really great, it has so many cute craft kits for you to do with your children. They break it down into three categories of kits- group, gift, and individual kits.
GroupKits are really cute for if you are having a birthday party, and want to do something crafty and original.
You can make dolls, dinosaurs, pinwheels- even the classic puppet!

The gift kits are actually very thoughtful. For the adult who is going though a change in life, they have kits to make the transition easier. Like the Wedding Day kit- which has “Last minute emergency items for the big day. On an important day like a wedding, graduation, sweet 16 party or bar mitzvah, things can go wrong. This kit will have all the last minute things you need to make it through with flying colors.
This kit includes: A First Aid Kit, Packing List, Advil, Hem Tape, Sewing Kit, Tide To Go stick, Mints, Toothpaste and a Toothbrush”

The Canvas Tote is 10 oz Cotton 14″x 16″x 4″. This strong, large bag is strong enough for groceries, kids toys, gifts, school books and more. It is great for a diaper bag and and anything else you would use a tote for. Functional design is self opening when full, and folds flat when empty. 7″ handles. 100% cotton.
This kit includes: An eco-friendly canvas bag, 1 set of fabric paint, glitter, embellishments, 1 bottle of craft glue, ribbon, stencils and ideas to get you going.

This contest is open to all U.S. residents over the age of 18.
Mandatory entry
You must be a public follower on Google Friend Connect.
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.
Introduce yourself- I love new bloggy friends! 🙂
Extra Entries
Leave a separate comment for each entry.
-Follow The Kit Place on Twitter and tweet about this contest
-“Like” me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Have-Sippy-Will-Travel/118293111555385
(leave your FaceBook ID so I can check)
-Subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel by email, and confirm subscription
– Follow me on Twitter ( you can use my adorable button to the side!) and tweet about this contest
Please make sure you follow first!
– Email a friend about this contest, with a CC to me at kangabunnie@gmail.com
(you get an extra entry if they enter, too!)
– Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this page (leave me the link so I can find it, please!)
– Follow me on “Networked Blogs”- I just added it, LOL
-Add my button to your blog, and leave me the link so I can find it
-Add me to your blogroll, with a link back to me
– Vote for me on “We’re On The Fence!” (Just Click the Button to the left that says “We’re On the Fence” until it confirms you voted for your’s truly!)
OOO, so many ways to win! Get moving! LOL, good luck!
DISCLOSURE: A product sample was provided for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Open to US shipping addresses only. Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. 1 winner will be chosen with the random.org generator on October 26, 2010.
i like you on facebook
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I follow on gfc thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
Follow via Facebook Networked Blogs ….Tiffypoot @ (aol.com)
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Tiffypoot @ (aol.com)
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I follow via Google Friend Connect – I have a blog too and really enjoy visiting yours – Tiffypoot @ (aol.com)
nb fan-Julie S Laws
email sub
like u on fb-Julie S Laws
Hi I follow your blog as jelaws5
I was born and raised in New York State and now live in Mi.
thanks for the giveaway and have a lovely day
I’m a new follower on GFC
Jesskaufman at hotmail dot com
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nhartmann54 at gmail dot com
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nhartmann54 at gmail dot com
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nhartmann54 at gmail dot com
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nhartmann54 at gmail dot com
GFC follower! 😀
nhartmann54 at gmail dot com
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michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
-Follow The Kit Place on Twitter iiiyadirf
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
Hi. I’m a gfc follower. My name is Michelle. I’m 30 something;). I’m a foster parent to a special needs woman and I’m married to a wonderful geeky man. I like to blog and do sweepstaking as a hobby. Glad I found your blog:)
michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)
i follow you on twitter suelee1998
and I tweeted
suelee1998 @ gmail.com
I voted for you on We’re On The Fence good luck suelee1998 @ gmail.com
hi I’m Susan from philly! I follow your blog via gfc suelee1998 @ gmail.com
email subscriber.
Liked me on Facebook – Geri N.
I’m following your blog via GFC.
I follow you with GFC.
My name is Katie and I’m a college student living in Appleton, WI.
Voted! (you’re at 224)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
following via networked blogs (Becky Seelentag)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
FB fan (Becky Seelentag)
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
GFC follower (Becky S.)
This looks so fun, thanks!
beckytag618 at gmail dot com
I’m a follower! 🙂
cheapskate4life at hotmail.com
I “Like” you on FB – find me here:
supercoupongirl AT gmail.com
I am already a follower, and I heard about your giveaway through Ten Talents! My name is Beeb and I am also a blogger. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
supercoupongirl AT gmail.com
I follow your blog through Goggle Friend Connect! I am a stay-at-home mom of 3 wonderful boys 🙂
I voted for your Blog on Picket Fence Blogs
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enter me please, thank you for the giveaway
Google Friends Connect – following your blog publicly as Louis
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
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Niecey Docherty
nieceyd at gmail.com
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nieceyd at gmail.com
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Niecey Docherty
nieceyd at gmail.com
I follow The Kit Place on twitter and tweeted
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nieceyd at gmail.com
I’m Niecey, I live in Lincoln, NE. I’m a Scottish expat.
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Tina Brown Harris
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Tina Brown Harris
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Jaime P
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ortizvelasquez at yahoo dot com
Liked you on Facebook 😉
Google Friend Connect Follower 😉
Sharon Harmon
Following you on GFC!
public follower on Google Friend Connect
Hi! I am Nicole from Ky and I follow on gfc!
Hi…I’m following you from MBC. Love these kits:)
Would love for you to follow me back at
I am following via GFC: Jenn S
These kits look really cool.
jas8929 at gmail dot com
I like you on fb.
Alisha Kostiuk.
I am a follower of your Blog and my name is Alisha and i am from Kansas.
I found you through Mom Bloggers Just Follow. I love your blog and am following you now! Visit me at http://www.thestilishfamilytable.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for following me and adding my button to your blog! I’m following you now too!
i follow through gfc!
I am Melissa, my daughter is 4, and she starts pre-k tomorrow! monday!
This is Abhishek from Honolulu, Hawaii. I follow via GFC! Thanks for the opportunity!
forsurveysonly at gmail dot com