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What a great idea these are!
As a woman who puts 20+ kids down for a nap every day, plus puts my own kids down for bed, ANYTHING that makes sleep routines and bedtimes easier are A-OK with me, and I am so happy to share the news with you guys.
Let me introduce to you- Scare Me Nots! I can’t say enough good things about them. A truly great idea! If you’re little one won’t stay in their own bed, give it a try! Afraid of the dark? Of monsters? Well, here are some friendly monsters, with eyes everywhere, that stay open to watch over your sweetie while they sleep. They have long tails that you can hang onto things with velcro.
Tuck it in between the mattress and box-spring to watch out for under-the-bed monsters!
And even better- these good little monsters have to graduate school first, so you know they know their stuff! They even learn to see in the dark 🙂
Can you tell he’s excited?
My Little Man just loves his Patty The Protector- she has 10 eyes! The better to keep a watch over sleepy sweeties…He was so thrilled when he saw her.
We were on our way to the library- so of course, Patty had to come.
Patty has been to school, where the kids thought she was awesome! The kids all passed her around, and Little even let some of the kids “try” her at naptime.
Patty is currently “on loan” to one of my students, who has terrible nightmares. His mommy wants to see if Patty can help him sleep better. Night one, he slept through the night. Night two, woke up only once, mom picked up Patty (who had fallen onto the floor) and gave her back to him, he went back to sleep. We shall see how the rest of the week goes!
As for Little? He loves Patty. Both he and Kamikaze want Santa to bring them “baby monsters” (travel size Scare Me Nots) for car trips and vacation. Santa is happy to oblige. Kamikaze wants Courageous Carrie, and Little can’t make his mind up. I think he will end up with Watchdog Wally.
You can be sure you will see a lot of Scare Me Nots from Have Sippy Will Travel- I love them, I am getting (Santa, sorry!) the kids travel size monsters this Christmas, and I think they a truly great product.
The full size is only $24. 99, and Travel size is $14.99. Great value! And they are quality made, too. Stood up to the Preschool test, lol.
Oh, and Innovative Toys, makers of Scare Me Nots, have won several Awards, including the 2010 Top Toy Award.

Interested yet? Want one?
Can’t wait? Buy one now Here!
or you can win one here!
Here are the ways to win
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OOO, so many ways to win! Good luck!
DISCLOSURE: A product sample was provided for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Open to US shipping addresses only. Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends November 4, 2010.
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