United States Trivia Pack Review

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As a teacher, this caught my eye. It’s a little “old” for my kids, but some of the “fun facts” are cute to share in class. The Python Printable Games United States Trivia Pack is cute. I think it would be fun for a long car ride. Next week, I’m headed to Salem, MA, and I just may bring them along.
This printable United States Trivia Pack is a fun kit. All 50 states are represented, with 15 questions per state, totaling 750 questions. Quizzes cover state nicknames, trees, flowers, capitals, history, funny facts, bizarre laws and local customs and more.
There were a few blanks, and a few errors, which is a bit strange. I decided I needed to make the corrections, it bugged me, lol.
Python Printable Games also has games for Halloween, Thanksgiving, parties, picnics, holidays, etc. There is also a Halloween review on this blog- go take a look 🙂
All printables are delivered instantly via encrypted download as an email link, you can make an unlimited number of copies, and there are no hidden costs or shipping charges. So if you’re having impromptu guests, and you need a way to entertain them, you can count on Python Printable Games for a quick and fun solution.
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