Yay, Blog Award!

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 I received the Versatile Blog award from Grace at Going Going Green!  Thanks Grace! 
Here are the rules:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award onto 3 other bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fabulous.
4. Contact the bloggers you chose and let them know about the award.
Seven Things about myself:
1. I traveled to 17 countries doing volunteer work and as a student ambassador. (And a few more just for fun! )
2. I had really wanted Little Man to be a girl- but then I can’t be happier that he isn’t!   (He is so much easier for me then Kamikaze, lol)
3. When I was younger, I really thought I was going to be a circus performer.  Why?  I have no idea, I have no talents!  LOL 
4. I clean my house WAY too much- but my house is really small, and my husband is a mess- as are the kids- and it never seems to show, lol…
5. I have a “thing” about bed sheets….I am really snobby about sheets and blankets. 
6. I am very honest- a little too honest if you ask some people!
7.Everything I say in my blog is true.  I never, ever give false reports or say something is good if it isn’t.  I promise! 
Now it is time to pass this blog on to 3 other bloggers I’ve discovered and think they are fabulous.
1. Colies Kitchen
Yay!  Thanks for the love, and I love to share it!  Have a good day, bloggy buddies!


  1. Congrats on the award! 17 countries that is so cool! My husband is a mess too, drives me crazy! I’m snobby about sheet too, it’s gotta have a high thread count!

  2. Hi there! Great blog! I’m your newest follower from the blog hop! You can visit me at http://www.epicsavings.net

  3. WOW I was just coming by to wish you a happy Friday when I saw my name at the top of the screen. I did a double take!! Thank you soooo much! How exciting!!! Well as I WAS going to say happy friday!!!

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