Just a thought….

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Just a thought.
Another week begins. The holidays are coming ever closer, and time is crushing down on us. Time to shop, time to cook, time to see the kid’s Holiday Show, concert, religious play, (and oh yes, make or find the costumes!) , bake the cookies, have the party, send the cards, etc. (Let’s not forget the daily grind of everyday life and all of it’s necessities, as well!) Blah blah. No thanks! Yes, I will do all those things, but when I am good and ready. I have been talking to so many people who are FREAKING out right now- and I understand why, but this is supposed to be fun. And if it’s not? Don’t do it. You will live, and so will your kid, if you miss a parade or a party or you are not in 3 plays. Don’t turn into a Mom-Zilla. The holidays can really suck the life out of you if you let them, so don’t let them. People might get mad at me all the time- but I really don’t care. Sorry! I do 90% of the things thrown at me, and do it with a smile. I’m a good mom, I work hard, I get good grades, I volunteer, I help with family, church, etc- But I just don’t have the time for the other 10%, so they and God will just have to forgive me for being a human. I confess, I can only do so much. And I am not going to cry about not being able to do more. I am at peace with my mortal soul, LOL. In the words of a famous sailor- “I am’s what I am’s and that’s all that I am’s”. You said it, Mister!
Hang in there, Ladies (and gentlemen!), and remember- it’s OK to say No. (Really!)
Love to you and yours,


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Good reminder. It took me more than 35 years to learn how to say NO gracefully.
    arobimom at gmail dot com

  3. “This is supposed to be fun. And if it’s not? Don’t do it.”

    Amen to that!

    (Found you through This for That at Ten Talents.)

  4. Sometimes you have to say no. This is suppose to be a fun season. I am usually sick for most of the holidays with a cold, and I believe it is because stress lowers my immune system. Holidays should be a cheerful time – not a dreadful time.

  5. You said it! It’s ok to say no.

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