Disclosure: In any review for a product or service, products or compensation may have been provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” and "Terms of Use" tabs for more information.
If your children own a computer, you will find gifts on the Think Geek website. If you have a husband, boyfriend, brother, son, male friend or relative- you will find great gifts on this website. If your daughter, sister, friend, has a quirky sense of humor- she will love a gift from this website.
This is, by far and away, one of my favorite places to shop for gifts (and a “go to” place as well) and I think you will see why!
Think Geek! This is a fantastic and fun website, and one we have been fans of for years. They carry unique, quirky, and just plain FUN stuff for any age. Nothing boring, nothing!
My husband is a pretty geeky guy, there would be no point saying otherwise, LOL. He is big into all sorts of things I have no idea about- video games, computers, Sci-Fi, comic books, etc. He even likes math and science- like, the chemistry and the algorithms and computer languages and stuff like that. Have I mentioned that he is an accountant with a computer science degree, who brews his own beer with his Chemical Engineer best friend while they watch Japanese horror movies?
(And other various gross horror D-list flicks)
I am making none of that up, I promise. 🙂
Where to shop for the Geek in your life? Not an easy task, as many of you are aware, I’m sure!
Enter- Think Geek!
They have the coolest stuff! Have a Star Wars fan on your gift list? Look no further!
They have great stuff for fans of all ages! They sent a Scanimation Star Wars Book for Little Man- he LOVES these kinds of books! They are so neat, when you turn the pages, the pictures “move” along the page.
There are so many other Star Wars products- look around and see what catches your eye!
Maybe yours is a video game fanatic? Look at these!
Portal Weighted Companion Cube Plush
Don’t know what they are? That’s OK, I didn’t either, LOL. I had the hubs assist in this one! They are from two different games, the crazy cube is a “Companion Cube” from a video game called Portal- I know, it looks kind of effeminate, but I assure you, if he liked the game, he will LOVE the cube. The hubs apparently had been wanting one, and when he was showing it off to his friend, the friend was very jealous. They both told me that this game was the reason I had to make pie for my husband’s birthday- because “the cake is a lie”.
The following makes sense to Geeks! To Mom Bloggers, it will merely confuse and bewilder….but it’s funny!
“Please take care of it!

- Plush Weighted Companion Cube from Portal
- Comes out of the Vital Apparatus Vent
- Finally, you can choose NOT to incinerate!
- Dimensions: 6 inches on all sides, much like you’d expect from a cube”
Another Fab For Geeks product? These cool Bioshock figures!
“We have six Bioshock figures in stock. Well, seven if you count that you get a pair of Little Sisters! They are all beautiful sculpts with tons of tiny details. At times, it’s hard to believe they’re just plastic and not metal, cloth, or leather. The paint job enhances the quality of the sculpt with deep and metallic hues of gold, silver, black, brown, red, and blue. Even the tiniest details like Big Sister’s buckles are painted with care. Each figure is true to the Bioshock 2 game and includes individualized weapons and accessories.”
Again, he was jumping around like a little kid when he saw it. Boys and their toys. In this case- really toys!
(Can I tell you this is now on top of my China Hutch? Yep, the good china and Bioshock man.)
Maybe your Geek likes to keep it “old school”.
Check out these Mario Brother’s 2″ 6 Pack!
How fun is that? Even the non-geek among us has played Mario! And this new generation of Geeks has Mario Cart, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Brothers, and other games featuring our favorite Italian Plumber. Mario and Luigi were really popular costumes this Halloween- so I think it’s safe to say that there are lots of gamers out there!
One more thing that both the big and little Geek will love- this fun Space Invaders Ice Cube Tray.
HA! Apparently, this is from a super-old and really popular video game, which has been referenced in tons of pop-culture TV shows like Futurama, called Space Invaders.
The ice cube tray pops out perfect little space ships- which both Little Man and Daddy were thrilled about.
Here is a Space Invaders spaceship invading my soup. (It’s ok, the soup won, the bowl is safe!)
Little may not have every played or have seen the game, but spaceship ice cubes? How cool is that?
This is a very, very small idea of the things you can get at Think Geek.
Think Geek is a great place to shop for the hard-to-please or non-traditional items. Want to be the one that gives the very best gift? You know where to go!
Almost every guy I know loves Think Geek. True, I do like ’em nerdy, LOL. It’s easy to shop for the guy who loves sports. Now it’s easy to shop for the guy (or girl, of course!) who loves technology, Sci-fi, and video games, without spending tons of money!
(We have been shopping there for years, and will continue to shop there- go look around, you’ll see!)
Want to have some money to spend at Think Geek?
One winner will win a 75$ gift certificate to Think Geek. (Yes, you read that right!)
Want to win?
Here’s how to enter!
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.
Leave a separate comment for each entry.
+2 entries
-Subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel by email, and confirm subscription
+3 entries
– Follow me on Twitter ( you can use my adorable button to the side!) and tweet about this contest
Please make sure you follow first!
+2 entries
(you can tweet daily!)
– If you like my site, please consider giving me a review on Alexa. (You can find a link to my site on Alexa right below the We’re On the Fence! Button- it says “Do you like my site? Please Rate it on Alexa” on a black button. )
+5 Entries
– “like” this post on Facebook
– Leave me a comment on Facebook about what contests you are entering on Have Sippy Will Travel or would like to see!
– Email a friend about this contest, with a CC to me at kangabunnie@gmail.com
(you get an extra entry if they enter, too!)
-Add my button to your blog, and leave me the link so I can find it
– Follow me on “Networked Blogs”
– blog about this giveaway, and link back to this contest (leave me the URL in comment, please)
-Add me to your blogroll, with a link back to me
– Vote for me on “We’re On The Fence!” (Just Click the Button to the left that says “We’re On the Fence” until it confirms you voted for your’s truly!)
– enter another one of my giveaways
– comment on a recent non-giveaway post
Yay, so many ways to win! Good luck!
DISCLOSURE: A product sample was provided for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. Sponsor is responsible for providing and sending prize. Ends Dec 27, 2010.
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lmaomostly at live dot com
GFC’d you
Heidi Helene
I am the geek here lol but i’d love to get my little girl the mechanical kitty coin bank!
Richard / Krabbman
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justine pierson
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justine pierson
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justine pierson
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My son and I are both the geeks in our famiy 😀 I wanted to get him a MacBook but of course I didn’t cause I don’t have enough money for that! He did get a PS3 move tho 😀
Follow your blog. (charity/ccboobooy) My brother is such a geek. I wanted to get him a retro pac-man arcade.
charisscharity at yahoo dot com
Like you on FB Susan S #2
Like you on FB Susan S #1
follow via Network Blogs
Follow via GFC. My son is the Geek
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I’m surrounded by geeks in my life! Most of them wanted Star Wars stuff.
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facebook fan of yours (mrstinareynolds 1/2
I am a facebook fan of thinkgeek
I get think geek emails,
my husband is the geek for sure he would love the
Electronic Music Synthesizer Shirt eaglesforjack@gmail.com I follow your blog
My dad or my husband. My husband LOVES LED lights and I think he would love one of the Laserpods
stacyrn at gmail dot com
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/19513435993677824 #2
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/19513435993677824 #1
I am from a family of “geeks.” We all could benefit from items at Think Geek. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I am following, liking, joining and subscribing.
I voted for you on Picket Fences!
I follow you on Twitter & I Tweeted! @vegan79
I follow you on Twitter & I Tweeted! @vegan79
I follow your blog on GFC!
My hubby is the geek in my family, and I would to get him Star Wars memorabilia!
Tweeted 12/27 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/19493992727056384 (Entry 2/2) (accidentally said the 27th yesterday too)
Tweeted 12/27 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/19493992727056384 (Entry 1/2) (accidentally said the 27th yesterday too)
#2 – Daily tweet
#1 – Daily tweet
i like thinkgeek on fb(tina wofford page)
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com
i get thinkgeek emails already
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com
gfc follower and my whole famdamily is a bunch of geeks and nerds. i would really like to get zombie mints for my teenage son and light saber chopsticks for my tween
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com
I voted for you on We’re on the Fence!
rawrms at gmail dot com
I’m a GFC follower.
My cousin is a total geek! I want to get him the Domo-kun Face t-shirt. He’d love it!
rawrms at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC (mail4rosey).
I follow on Networked Blogs (Jes DeLorenzo)
I subscribed to emails #3
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Thanks for the giveaway! Tweet:
I subscribed to emails! #1
I like you on FAcebook (Jes DeLorenzo) #2
I like you on FAcebook (Jes DeLorenzo) #1
My younger brother is the geek of our family! Actually, I’m a geek too, but if I won this I’d buy him something from ThinkGeek! Along with a little something for me. 😛
I like Think Geek on FB
I “like” think geek on facebook
pickled.punk at yahoo dot com
My husband is the geek. I wanted to get him the Tauntaun sleeping bag from ThinkGeek for Christmas.
Both me and my boyfriend are geeky enough to love this website!
pickled.punk at yahoo dot com
Follow you via networked blogs fb user name iiiyadirf
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)
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1 Follow you via Facebook- iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
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fan of Think Geek’s Facebook Page- iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)
Signed up for Think Geek’s Emails
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)
Ahhh my hubby is the geek in the family. Bought him a tribble from thinkgeek once. In fact, almost everything I buy him is from thinkgeek.com. It’s an awesome online store. Currently wanting to get him the BuckyBalls. I don’t really understand why, but he’s been drooling over them for a while now.
michedt (at) gmail (dotcom)
i am a follower and i am the geek in my life, but my husband is sort of geeky too. i would like to get him a new laptop
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
Voted on Picket Fence Blogs. goodluck!
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I LIKE Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook (Erin Mize)
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Following @HaveSippy via Twitter.
Following @thinkgeek via Twitter.
e-mail subscribed to think Geek’s newsletters.
Following the blog via GFC.(panicxduh)
My Star Wars-Star Trek brother needed some geekery love this Christmas!
following on gfc
I have a family of geeks–myself included—for my husband the caffeine candy sampler–for me the Stay Puft Caffeinated Gourmet Marshmallows!!!
Follower, my husband is the geek and I would love to get him the Samurai Sword Handle Umbrella, thanks!
I follow ThinkGeek and I tweeted: http://twitter.com/Auriette/status/19242656018210817
I follow on GFC. dahlia at tmlindsey d0t c0m
Tweeted 12/27 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/19229838069989376
Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
Would love, love, LOVE to win this!
Happy holidays!
Richard / Krabbman
subscriber #3
subscriber #2
subscriber #1
I’m a geek. I wanted to get the All Edges Brownie Pan for myself. I love the edge pieces the best.
E-mail subscriber (3)
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
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mandalarctic at gmail dot com
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mandalarctic at gmail dot com
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mandalarctic at gmail dot com
Following on Twitter (@mandalarctixc) and tweeted:
http://twitter.com/mandalarctic/status/19179634675425280 (1)
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
GFC follower,my husband is the geek in the family, I think he will like the Mag Pix 1080p HD Mini Camcorder
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
I’m the geek! I want to get more of their giant microbes!
I’m a gfc follower.
I am also the big geek in my life. My husband has no clue about anything geeky but he tolerates it when I geek out over things he just doesn’t understand.
april dot vrugtman at gmail dot com
I would use it toward the Peephole Security Viewer for myself the geek. I am a new follower on GFC.
Heck, we’re all geeks around here. Me, hubby, all of his family, most of mine… its what brought us all together 🙂 ThinkGeek has too much cool stuff, they will very likely be the cause of my home forclosure.
I voted for you!
Networked Blogs follower – Erika B
I follow you on Twitter / Tweet – http://twitter.com/Erika105/status/19094809725632512
I follow via GFC and my randominities blog.
I follow you on Twitter / Tweet – http://twitter.com/Erika105/status/19094809725632512
Email subscriber – MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com
Email subscriber – MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com
Email subscriber – MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com
I like you on Facebook – Erika B
I like you on Facebook – Erika B
I like Think Geek on Facebook – Erika B
I follow Think Geek on Twitter / Tweet – http://twitter.com/Erika105/status/19094809725632512
I follow you with Google Friend Connect & my husband is definitely the main geek in my life. I would love to get him a gift cert. to Think Geek – he would have SO much fun shopping!! Thanks!
MusingsfromaSAHM at gmail dot com
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I’m a GFC follower 🙂
I’m a geek and so is my guy. They have some great shirts!
Like you on FB and left a comment (Estell Aekz) 2
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Email subscriber 3
Email subscriber 2
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Like ThinkGeek on FB (Estell Aekz)
I’m the geek in this family! I didn’t by myself anything.
fb fan you 2: xferriza2 (danielle b)
fb fan you: xferriza2 (danielle b)
fb fan them: xferriza2 (danielle b)
im the geek in my life and i want to get myself the blue sun travel posters and the thing that lets me turn juice into alchyhol! yum!
gfc: ferriza2 (danielle b)
I voted for you on “We’re On The Fence!” mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net
My youngest son is a Geek and he would love to have a Star Trek Enterprise Pizza Cutter or almost any of the ThinkGeek tees. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net
I am a GFC Follower.
My hubby is the geek in my life. I would love to get him the Korg Kaosillator.
jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like Think Geek on Facebook.
I like you on Facebook.
My husband is the big geek and I would like to get him the Tauntaun Sleeping Bag!
nesta 67 {at} live dot com
I entered the Disney On Ice Princess Wishes giveaway too!
I entered the CoolKidz giveaway too!
I’ve signed up for Think Geek’s Emails. peanut[at]nyc.rr.com
Voted for you @ Picket Fence Blogs. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I voted for you on picketfenceblogs!
Entered your Cool Kidz giveaway. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
3 I subscribe via email.
I’m a Networked Blogs follower (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I’m an email subscriber. tylerpants(at)gmail.com #3
I’m an email subscriber. tylerpants(at)gmail.com #2
2 I subscribe via email.
I’m an email subscriber. tylerpants(at)gmail.com #1
I subscribe via email.
Signed up for Think Geek’s Emails. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
Likes Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com #3
I follow your blog!
My brother is the geek of the family. I’d get him the Yoda USB Desk Protector. He’d get a kick out of it! peanut[at]nyc.rr.com
Likes Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com #2
Likes Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com #1
Likes ThinkGeek on Facebook (Lisa L). tylerpants(at)gmail.com
I’m a GFC follower. My husband is the Geek..he got a Nook for Christmas. tylerpants(at)gmail.com
Richard / Krabbman
I entered the Funky Monkey Giveaway.
My dad is the geek in my life and I wanted to get him an ipad.
I follow you with GFC. kroch
Tweeted 12/25 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/18840075538276352
My hubby is the geek in my life, I’d get him the 36 Cube – World’s Most Challenging Puzzle as he loves puzzles. honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
I entered your Squinkies giveaway
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I am a fan of think geek on facebook
There are a lot of geeks in my life but my two main ones are my boyfriend and my brother. I’d get them the darth vader breathing keychain, the r2d2 pepper mill, the I love alcohal saku-bito shirt, and myself bacon salt and edible wild hibiscus flowers
I follow your blog publicly with Google Friend Connect as ReggieMann
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow (happi shopr) and would get hubby the BuckyBalls Magnetic Building Spheres to start. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I entered the CoolKidz giveaway.
Oops! I follow and I am the geek in my life. I’d like to get some generic Geek t-shirts for myself and other friends – like the caffeine molecule, I never finish anyth, fustercluck.
I’s a public follower
I am the Geek in this house, and I wanted to give myself a new desktop computer but it’s not happening this year.
I follow you on Google Friend Connect. (Debbie C)
Richard / Krabbman
2 like you in fb/letesshaw
like you in fb/letesshaw
like thinkgeek in fb/letesshaw
thinkgeek email subscriber
Follower. The geek I know would be my teen son. I wanted to get him the electronic spy cam shirt.
My geek is my dear old friend and he loves the Big Bang Theory and he’d like the Bazinga shirt!
nancymeyer1 at gmail dot com
Tweeted 12/23 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/18141071846416386
Richard / krabbman
Following you on network blogs
Jeanette Huston
Faned Think Geek here
Jeanette Huston
Followed ThinkGeek AND TWEETED
Jeanette Huston
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Jeanette Huston
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Jeanette Huston
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Jeanette Huston
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Jeanette Huston
Following you and my husband is a huge geek. I would like to get him something to do with Star Wars because her loves it so much.
Jeanette Huston
Tweeted 12/22 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/17778691379568640
I subscribed via email and confirmed!
Thanks again!
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I subscribed via email and confirmed!
I like Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook (as Amanda Davis)
Thank you! #2
I like Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook (as Amanda Davis)
Thank you! #1
I like ThinkGeek on Facebook (as Amanda Davis) Thank you!
I love Think Geek! My husband and I are equally geeky. He’s space / gamer geek and I’m more gadget / anything Nintendo geek (Love the figurines!) I was so tempted to buy the Super Mario wall decals. So tempted. It just wasn’t in our budget so I bought a bucket of perler beads and made mario magnets instead. Haha! 🙂
Thanks so much for the chance to win this awesomeness!!! (I’m a follower)
Daily Tweet
Richard / Krabbman
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/17680912191856640 #2
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/17680912191856640 #1
Daily tweet
Tweeted 12/21 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/17385531067334658 (Entry 2/2)
Tweeted 12/21 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/17385531067334658 (Entry 1/2)
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/17373187150974976 #2
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/17373187150974976 #1
I like Think Geek on Facebook (Sarah Stern)
sarah.stern.13 at gmail dot com
I am the biggest geek in my family, but my husband is a close second, and I’d like to get him the R2D2 pepper mill (and we actually need a new pepper mill!) I follow on GFC.
sarah.stern.13 at gmail dot com
Voted for you on Picket Fences!
omgababy at gmail
I follow Think Geek on Facebook under my personal account!
omgababy at gmail
Networked Blog Follower
Hoa Le
Following Think Geek and you on twitter (@hle123).
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/hle123/status/17102803411410945
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Subscribed to your blog via e-mail.
Subscribed to your blog via e-mail.
Liked your FB page: Hoa Le
Liked your FB page: Hoa Le
Liked Think Geek
Hoa Le
GFC Follower:
My husband and daughter are the geeks in my family. I’d love to get my daughter sushi plush and my husband some wacky toy.
Tweeted 12/20 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/16998262955311104 (Entry 2/2)
Tweeted 12/20 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/16998262955311104 (Entry 1/2)
My husband and I are both geeks. For me I would get the mechanical kitty coin bank and for my husband the Zelda Ocarina.
Richard / krabbman
I follow with Networked Blogs as Lucid Obsession
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Subscribe via email as lucidobsession@gmail.com (Entry 2/3)
Subscribe via email as lucidobsession@gmail.com (Entry 1/3)
Tweeted 12/19 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/16713840582463488 (Entry 2/2)
Tweeted 12/19 – http://twitter.com/#!/lucidobsession/status/16713840582463488 (Entry 1/2)
I liked Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook as Lucid Obsession (Entry 2/2)
I liked Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook as Lucid Obsession (Entry 1/2)
I liked ThinkGeek on Facebook as Lucid Obsession
I follow ThinkGeek on Twitter as lucidobsession
I get ThinkGeek emails as jennyfur05@gmail.com
I follow with Google Friend connect as Lucid Obsession
I’m the geek in my family so if I won I’d be treating myself to some geeky goodness for Christmas!
Entered the Charm Factory Giveaway
I just voted for Have Sippy Will Travel! @ We’re on the Fence.
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#1 – LIKE Have Sippy Will Travel on FB and left a comment
FAN of ThinkGeek on FB
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Signed up for Think Geek’s Emails
The Geek in my family is my 22 year old son and he’s proud to be one.
My husband and I are both geeks and we’re raising a geek baby too! I’d start out getting some amusing onesies for the baby that would make everyone we know giggle since everyone knows us as geeks!
omgababy at gmail
I subscribe to their newsletter.
My husband is the geek in my life. I’d love to get him a midi guitar!
entered playtex
awinters AT gmail
shhhhhhhh my son kris
Email subscriber: abbymarie AT gmail
entry 3
Email subscriber: abbymarie AT gmail
entry 2
Email subscriber: abbymarie AT gmail
entry 1
voted on the fence today
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LIked you on facebook: abby b.w.
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Liked Think Geek on facebook: abby b.w.
Liked Think Geek on facebook: abby b.w.
My H is the geek in my life. There is so much I would like to get him, one of which being the Yoda USB Desk protector.
I entered your Star Kids contest
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered your Pillsbury Toaster Streudel contest
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I have your button on my blog (http://mealsdealsandsqueals.blogspot.com/)
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I follow you publicly via GFC
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com
I entered the Funky Monkey Snacks giveaway
ohkeeka at gmail dot com
I voted for you on We’re On The Fence!
ohkeeka at gmail dot com
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ohkeeka at gmail dot com
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ohkeeka at gmail dot com
My husband is my geek. 🙂 Since he has a tendency to stay up late and wake up early, I’d get him the Stay Puft Caffeinated Gourmet Marshmallows!
ohkeeka at gmail dot com
Ihave voted for you at Over the Fence.
treflea4 at gmail dot com
I became a public follower via GFC.
I’d love to get the LEGO Stop Animation Digital Video Camera for my little boy! Thanks for the chance!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
i’m the geek definitely, but my best friend is too…and i’d love to give her a Bazinga hoodie
lauren51990 at aol dot com
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/15890662645829632
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/15890662645829632
MANDATORY ENTRY: I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect. My GFC ID: kimbuckjr
Also…my husband is the BIG GEEK in our family. He is real techie and is real book smart. He was rated #6 in his high school graduating class! That’s geekie, right?
And…for Christmas I got my hubby a Kindle. He is a HUGE reader and this is just PERFECT for him!
The geek in my life is me! I would have a field day spending $75 at ThinkGeek!
glycinemax (at) gmail (dot) com
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/15546921355583488
tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/15546921355583488
entered Toaster Strudel Prize Pack
dmraca at gmail dot com
entered Princess On Ice
dmraca at gmail dot com
entered Funky Monkey snacks
dmraca at gmail dot com
entered Coolkids
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entered Charm Factory
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entered Music Together
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entered Aroma Home
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entered Worry Woos
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entered Go Go Sports Girls
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entered Tassimo
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entered Life Without Plastics
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dmraca at gmail dot com
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FB name AlbertDana Arsenault
dmraca at gmail dot com
Follower GFC
Dana R
My nephew is the Geek in my life and i would love to get him the skyrail glow in the dark rollercoaster!
Also my dog is a Geek lol so i would also get the bolt interactive pet laser toy!
dmraca at gmail dot com
I follow through twitter and tweeted 2
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow through twitter and tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
following you on twitter as SnowflakeDay & tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/15164268471123968
following you on twitter as SnowflakeDay & tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/15164268471123968
I subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel via e-mail 3
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hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
email subscriber to your blog
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
I subscribe to Have Sippy Will Travel via e-mail
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
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hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
I receive Think Geek emails.
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
I like Think Geek on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
following Think Geek on twitter as SnowflakeDay & tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SnowflakeDay/statuses/15163212307628032
I like Have Sippy Will Travel on facebook (Jessica Miller)2
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I like Have Sippy Will Travel on facebook (Jessica Miller)
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
My husband is my favorite geek! He would love the R2-D2 USB Hub
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
We’re one big geeked out family around here. My hubby is probably less geeky than I. I’d like to get him the 400 Watt Power Dome Mini Generator. I know he’d love that. As for me, I’d love the Crystal USB Desktop Speakers.
I’m a google friend follower (Snowflake07)
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
I follow on GFC and we have a family of geeks here but I most want to get the mad scientist blocks for our 6 month old geek.
You’re on my blogroll: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/
bunnybx at gmail . com
Button on sidebar: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/
bunnybx at gmail . com
dear this site is very precious for.
Holiday gifts
Voted you on “We’re On The Fence!”
bunnybx at gmail . com
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1. I Follow you on Twitter @bunnyb
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bunnybx at gmail . com
2. I’m a fan of Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook- Bunnyb Baxter
bunnybx at gmail . com
1. I’m a fan of Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook- Bunnyb Baxter
bunnybx at gmail . com
I’m a fan of Think Geek’s Facebook Page – Bunnyb Baxter
bunnybx at gmail . com
I Follow Think Geek on Twitter @bunnyb
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bunnybx at gmail . com
Signed up for Think Geek’s Emails
bunnybx at gmail . com
GFC follower (bunnyb)
My hubby’s the Geek in my life! I want to get him the Spy Camera Video Watch!
bunnybx at gmail . com
I sub to email
I gfc
I receive ThinkGeek emails (same email as in profile).
I like ThinkGeek on Facebook (Meaghan Fleming).
I’m a new follower. Well, I would have to share this giftcard with my boyfriend as we are both self-proclaimed geeks. I think he would really like the Doctor Who sonic screwdriver from the 11th doctor. We’re both huge fans.
12/14 i tweeted @beckybeitzel
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
Following think geek on twitter, and tweeted as aerialkabuki
I already receieve thinkgeek emails. heatherkowens at yahoo dot com
The geek in my life is my fiance. I would have loved to get him a sound system for the tv, but being in college I had to be creative with money, and bought some video games we could both enjoy for cheap. heatherkowens*@*yahoo*.com
i get your emails 3
tcogbill at live dot com
i get your emails 2
tcogbill at live dot com
i get your emails 1
tcogbill at live dot com
my nephew and i’d like to get him the colored bubles
tcogbill at live dot com
fun website! like the Electronic Rock Guitar Shirt for my son!
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
Daily tweet above.
Richard / Krabbman
I voted for your Blog on Picket Fence Blogs
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
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following @thinkgeek on twitter @left_the_stars
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following you on twitter @left_the_stars
I tweeted your giveaway
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following you on twitter @left_the_stars
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I like your blog on facebook (Louis Here)
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
Google Friends Connect – following your blog publicly as Louis
as a fan of Big bang Theory i would get the bazinga Shirt for my husband
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
I follow on gfc.
The Geek in my life is my uncle. I would love to get him the Pizza Pi Cutter! GFC follower: Rebecca O
Thanks for the chance.
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
I am the geek in my life. I would get the lego flashlight.
Scott Martin
I’m not a US resident so no giveaway for me :(. Your husband must love you after all those toys and the pie 😀
My fiance is the geek in my life, I’d like to get him the knife that starts fires. jac.piasta @ gmail dot com
following by email, #3
following by email, #2
and following by your email too! Here’s #1…
and voted for you…
and already following them on Facebook…
and already get TG’s email…
Hi and Happy Holidays! 🙂 And yep, all following… and I’m the geek, and I’d love to get the Periodic Table shower curtain, not to mention everything Darth Vader-ish that they have! 🙂
I like Think Geek on Facebook. (Please get name via email)
jaymee76 at gmail dot com
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jaymee76 at gmail dot com
I sbuscribe via email. #3
I subscribe via email. #2
I subscribe via email. #1
I like ThinkGeek on FB.
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My girlfriend is the geek I’d use this for. Last Christmas I got her the Screaming Monkey Slingshot from ThinkGeek.
I like your blog on facebook-entry #2.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I like your blog on facebook-entry #1.
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khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I subscribe via e-mail-entry #1.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I wouldn’t say that my son is a Geek (yet-he’s only 3), but he would LOVE the LEGO Minifig Keychain Light!
I’m a public follower.
khmorgan_00 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Voted For You
I am the GEEK here!
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I follow via networked blogs FB name is Becky Barrett Beitzel
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
i follow you on twitter and tweeted @beckybeitzel
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hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
i am an email subscriber
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
i am an email subscriber
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
i like you on FB @becky barrett beitzel
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
i like you on FB @becky barrett beitzel
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
i like thinkgeek on FB and left a comment @becky barrett beitzel
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
i follow thinkgeek on twitter and tweeted @beckybeitzel
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
i signed up for think geek emails
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
GFC follower. and the geek in my life in my husband! i want to get him the star trek pizza cutter!!
hiccupapparel at yahoo dot com
My son is, he wants the LEGO Star Wars Minifig Alarm Clock.
1agordon at live.com
I left a comment on your FB wall about entering and wanting star trek shirts
Liz Bee
lhoward916 at gmail dot com
I liked the post on FB about this giveaway.
Liz Bee
lhoward916 at gmail dot com
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I am an email subscriber
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I am an email subscriber
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I am a FB fan of your blog and left a comment.
Liz Bee
lhoward916 at gmail dot com
I am a FB fan of your blog and left a comment.
Liz Bee
lhoward916 at gmail dot com
I am a FB fan of think geek and left a comment.
Liz Bee
lhoward916 at gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC
lhoward916 at gmail dot com
My hubby is the Geek. I would love to get him and my son some Star Trek shirts so we can all be geeks together.
My son is the geek in my family. I’d like to get him the Electronic Rock Guitar Shirt.
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM
Follow you through Networked Blogs.
alissa spiehs-apel
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM
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alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM
Left you a comment on Facebook about what contests I am entering. alissa spiehs-apel
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM
fan of Think Geek’s Facebook Page. alissa spiehs-apel
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM
2. fan of Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook. alissa spiehs-apel
alissa spiehs-apel
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM
1. fan of Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook. alissa spiehs-apel
alissa spiehs-apel
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM
This comment has been removed by the author.
alissa4illustration AT hotmail DOT COM
I’d get my good friend Mark Bacon – the nerd in my life:
Bacon Beans Jellybeans $5.99
Bacon Gumballs $9.99
Baconnaise $5.99
Bacon Mints $6.99
Gummy Bacon $4.99
Bacon Hot Sauce $7.99
Bacon Wallet $11.99
2 Bacon Lip Balm $3.99
Sparkle Bacon $18.99
the geek in my life is my husband. I bet he would love this:
on your GFC because that’s how I found out about this giveaway.
Following on networked blogs too!
I voted for you at picketfenceblogs!
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2 of 2
I’m following you on twitter and I tweeted!
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I’m a fan of Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook (benny8484) 2 of 2
I’m a fan of Have Sippy Will Travel on Facebook (benny8484) 1 of 2
I’m a fan on thinkgeek on fb! (benny8484)
I follow thinkgeek and i tweeted!
I’m a pubic follower on GFC! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow think geek on twitter. ( same name/keelagodrino)
Following on GFC (Same name) and I have a cousin I beleive may be a Geek of the gamer variety, but even though I would love to get him just about anything from Think Geek, He needs a car. ( so he can quit borrowing mine!)
Voted – Were on the Fence
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FB name: sherrie seruntine cruson
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FB name: sherrie seruntine cruson
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FB name: sherrie seruntine cruson
Like Think Geek on Facebook and left a comment on their wall.
I voted 😀 begd at live dot com
Signed up for Think Geeks emails.
GFC follower (shay)
My husband is a total geek. I would get him the Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back Mug 🙂
I signed up for Think Geek’s Emails
dukier44 at live . com
Email subscriber.
begd at live dot com
Email subscriber.
begd at live dot com
Email subscriber.
begd at live dot com
I follow you on facebook. begd at live dot com
Facebook fan lisa lo.
We both decided that the Screaming Monkey Slingshot sounds like a very good idea if (he) wins :o)
I follow you on facebook. begd at live dot com
I follow thinkgeek on twitter. begd at live dot com
I follow thinkgeek on facebook. begd at live dot com
Signed up for their email. begd at live dot com
A friend, and probably super mario related things :p begd at live dot com
Have Sippy Will Travel
Lots of contests ending soon! Come on by and enter 🙂 Please feel free to share these links or posts with friends! :)6 hours ago
New fan on Facebook -lisa lo
I am a gfc follower
the geek in my life is my son, I would get him Electronic Rock Guitar Shirt
I voted on the fence
karlatrx AT gmail DOT com
Fanned ThinkGeek on Facebook –
Lisa Lo Have Sippy Will Travel sent me :o)
2 seconds ago ·LikeUnlike · Comment
my son is my geek and I’d love to get him the LEGO Star Wars Minifig Alarm Clock
I follow via GFC – Karlatrx
karlatrx AT gmail DOT com
Blog follower & my son is my geek. Cool items from ThinGeek that he would really like!
I’m following thinkgeek on Twitter as giveawaysetc, and I tweeted.
My boyfriend and I are both kinda geeky. If I won, I think I’d get the Walking Dead compendium, because we’d both like to read it.
I follow you on GFC.
I entered the Executive Gift Shop giveaway
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I’m an email subscriber entry #3
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I’m an email subscriber entry #2
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I’m an email subscriber entry #1
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I voted for your blog on Picket Fences Blogs
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I follow via GFC: abfantom
My husband is the geek in the family.
I would like to get the Gardenwatch Cam so we could see what critters were eating all our vegetables.
abfantom at yahoo dot com