Sniffle Buddies Review

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Here is something new. I have never heard of something like this before, and honestly I was totally grossed out when I got the email. Ok, before you stop reading this, just give it a chance. It’s kind of strange, but, if you think about it for a second- you will see the point.
Kids wipe their nose on their sleeves. They do, it’s gross, no point denying it. Working at a Pre-K, I see more snot in a day then I think many people see in a lifetime, LOL, and I can tell you 70% of it never makes it to a tissues, no matter how hard I try. And I do try. If we go outside, I bring the tissues with me. If I see them wipe their faces on their sleeve or hand, it’s right to the sink to wash hands. But I don’t see it all. And there is nothing I can really do when it is on their sleeve or coat, just wipe it with a wet wipe.
(Isn’t is great to be a mom? Always talking about body functions, LOL)
Sniffle Buddies was created with this in mind, for scratching a nose and runny noses that end up on your child’s sleeve.
Gross? Yep. But it happens anyway, so you may as well be able to take it off and wash it, rather then just know it’s there. And you can pretend you’ll just wash the coat- no one washes it every time it gets just a little messy. Be honest, momma! Come on, I see all the coats. I know who washes what, when. Hey, I only wash coats every 2 weeks or so, too, I’ll be honest! Lucky for me, Little is clean about his nose. He runs to me for tissues at the slightest thing. Kamikaze- not so much. She is with a filthy coat all the time. I send her with tissues and chap stick- which she promptly loses and then puts boogers and blech all over her coat. So, she was my product tester. Yes, of course she lost the one I sent her to school with, of course she did. So luckily I had a second one meant for Little, and she used that for park time and outside time. So, so gross. I can’t get over the “ew factor”, lol, as soon as we got home I made her toss it right into the washing machine. But that’s what it’s for, right? So, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! HA!
Sniffle Buddies are not meant to replace tissues for cold, flu, or regular use- just for those times when you know your child is not going to use them, anyway (like when playing outside during allergy season?) and certianly does not want you to stop washing hands! Keep it clean, all! The CDC does tell us to keep our hands off our faces to help keep from spreading germs, so Sniffle Buddies can be a great substitute/germ catch-all!
After using Sniffle Buddies, toss it in the wash and re-use it. It is also a “green product”, and made with bamboo.
It comes in 3 sizes and quite a few colors, so it will fit anyone, small or large. Though designed for the sniffles, they are being used in the special needs world for drool management and for adult sports enthusiasts for hands free activity.

Child L - Red

Child L – Natural (Dye-free)
$7.99“If you’re new to our product, it’s possible you’re wondering… “what are Sniffle Buddies” OR “why on earth would someone use one”?
Perhaps this will help…
“What are Sniffle Buddies – They’re high quality wristbands made with bamboo velour (70% viscose from organic bamboo / 28% organic cotton / 2% poly) thattissue were created to assist allergy-prone toddlers during playtime. How much fun is it to be two and have Mom or Dad constantly hovering with a tissue when you want to “just play”? Drug them, keep them inside, hover endlessly, or give them Sniffle Buddies and just let them play..then toss ’em in the wash and practice tissue use after playtime! We offer diapers to assist while they learn proper potty habits, should we expect that they will stop playing, use tissue, dispose of it, wash their hands, and then return to playing while they’re still quite young?”

For more information on Sniffle Buddies, check them out HERE.
DISCLOSURE: A product sample was provided for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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