Stylish Blogger Award!

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I just won this fun bloggy award from Lisa, at Lissa’s Loot! Thanks! I really appreciate it πŸ™‚

This is how this fun award works:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
7 Things About Myself
  1. I really, really dislike the snow, LOL- as much as I love the day off from work on occasion!
  2. I am not just in Grad School for education, but also for History. I’m a very nerdy girl.
  3. I have worked, studied, and volunteered in 19 countries.
  4. I am often quite inept on the computer, LOL.
  5. I’ll be 29 on Sunday (shhhh, don’t tell!)
  6. My house is a constant disaster zone.
  7. I secretly envy SAHM, because even though I bring Little Man to the Pre-K with me, I wish I had more “us” time. With no work pressure.

15 Bloggers I Would Like to Award

Blessed Elements
2 Much Testosterone
Confessions of the Chronically Insecure

Life is a Sandcastle
Night Owl Mama
Jamerican Spice
My Eleven Reasons
A Nest For All Seasons
Energizer Bunny’s Mommy Reports

Frugal Invitation
Cinnamon Hollow
500 Places with Kids
Bless Others With Cards
Grandma Sez So
The Joyful Jungle


  1. Thanks Sam, I love awards!!

  2. Congrats on the award and thanks for honoring my blog 500 Places With Kids with a mention and an award. Look for me to post about it when I finish detailing my latest trip! πŸ™‚

  3. congrats on your award. I think it is great you can have your son with you. but also can relate to wanting us time.

  4. Thanks for the award. I blogged about it tonight! Have a great weekend!

  5. P.s I’m your newest follower too! whooo.

  6. Very interesting 7 things about you. 19 countries! Wow. I’m just on my 3rd πŸ™‚

    Congrats on your award and thanks for sharing with me.

    Happy weekend to you!

  7. Congratulations on the award…you are really a history nerd? COOL!

    Thanks for passing it on to me!

  8. Thanks so much for including me on your list! πŸ™‚

    I would LOVE to see of the list of 19 countries…

    …and I will be 30 in September…now THAT is scary πŸ™‚

    OH…and #6…yeah…

  9. Congrats on your award, Sam!!! Thanks so much for thinking of me. This is my very 1st award on Bless Others With Cards!

    I’m not a snow fan either. And I can’t believe you’re having a birthday and you didn’t tell me!!! You MUST get on my birthday list so I can feature you for your birthday! Come read the Featured Birthday Blogs post -
    There’s a link at the bottom to join.

    Lisa xoxo

  10. Thanks Sam, I feel so stylish now! LOL

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