Tales From the Yoga Studio

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Tales from the Yoga Studio: A Novel by Rain Mitchell

I was recently sent this book to read, the first of a series. It was a light, fast read, and a pleasant one as well. Most of you know I am a lover of both books and yoga, so this one of course seemed like a natural fit for me! It was a fun read about a group of friends who meet and bond over yoga. Their lives are different, but they all find solace in each other and in the experience that is yoga. The story meets some of the characters as they already know each other, and more as they are introduced, and is told in turns of each of their viewpoints, which was also fun. It is for sure “chick lit“, which is not my favorite genre, but it was not sloppy-dramatic or too over the top. I am not saying you will relate to all the details, but you will like the characters and the book itself is a “Good Read”. I gave it 4 out of 5 stars on the Goodreads website. (If any of you are members, feel free to friend me! My widget is on the right-hand side near the middle of the page.)

More about Tales from the Yoga Studio

“A sparkling new series introducing five unforgettable women who flock to yoga at turning points in their lives and find the gift of lasting friendship.

The yoga studio is where daily cares are set aside, mats are unfurled, and physical exertion leads to well-being, renewal, and friendship. An aggressively expanding chain of Los Angeles yoga “experience centers,” has Lee and her extraordinary teaching abilities in its sights. They woo her with a lucrative contract, a trademarked name for her classes, and a place for her handsome musician husband. But accepting the contract means abandoning the students at the homey studio Lee runs in L.A.’s Silver Lake district- and leaving behind four women whose friendships are suddenly more important to her than retirement benefits and a salary increase.

Tales from the Yoga Studio is an insider’s look at the current obsession with yoga, told with enough humor, wit, and warmth to charm and delight readers, whether or not they’ve ever done a Downward Dog.”


  1. LOL, Pam, for some reason, I didn’t figure you for a yogi 🙂

  2. I love love love yoga! My little boy always runs beside me when I’m doing it and gets into his version of Down Dog, it’s so frickity cute!

  3. It’s out. Just the first one, though.

  4. I so loved your review. Is the book out yet or is this a first release type of thing?
    I’ll look for it in the book store.

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