Guest Post and a Contest

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Cupid Gone Wild AnthologyFor some that might be exciting news others perhaps less so. It all just depends. Time to pull out your favorite romantic movies or maybe a V-Day slasher film. It all just depends on your mood. If you like to read here is an alternative. An anthology of Romantic Comedies for the Holiday, Cupid Gone Wild. – We are giving away 3 copies here to commenters, and there are other goodies.

So the story has 5 Cupids charged with matching the most unlikely couple. A few arrows to get the hero and heroine past their reservations. Would that be helpful in real life? I like to think so. If there were some winged chubby guys floating around we could stop worrying that we walked right past our soul mate at the coffee shop. Or the man you debated approaching lost without the hit needed to tell you it was the right thing. The very best match around.

Dating is hard, discouraging even. If you are married maybe Cupid should be dropping in on you too. Maybe an added passion arrow, or thoughtful one right before the DH or BF goes shopping. Some help might be nice in the world of love. SO tell me – do you want arrows stepping in from above? True love with a shot? Or are we doing well down here on Earth without the help?

Comment and share your thoughts on the Holiday for a chance to Win and e-book copy of Cupid Gone Wild Anthology/

So my story – The Hollywood Hook Up – from Amazon or Barnes and Noble is available. If you feel the need to read ALL the stories they are available in the Anthology Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Since the winner of the Cupid Challenge 2011 is decided by the public we have set up a poll. It is on the eTreasures Publishing Blog. You can also enter to win a Kindle there starting Feb. 4th.

Oh and if you want updates on my Cupid activities you can follow me at!/chelsyday the action is going on at this hash tag. #cgw11 . Cupid Gone Wild indeed.

Thanks so much for having me on!

Chelsy Day

The Hollywood Hook Up by Chelsy DayThe Hollywood Hook Up by Chelsy Day

Actor, Casey Jones, and stunt woman, Sandra Benson, have a history. Can Cupid get them past their animosity and prove that true love in Hollywood is NOT impossible?

Mission – Create True Love in Hollywood
Subjects: Casey Jones: Actor , Sandra Benson: Stunt woman

Hollywood is not known for “True Love” and is not a place that makes staying in love and together easy once you have found it. Sometimes magic and romance live a life beyond the celluloid. And sometimes they end when the director calls out, “That’s a wrap!” Love is the flavor of the month and can change with the wind if you believe the tabloids. We Cupids know differently.

So to demonstrate that I am up to any challenge, I picked a couple from the City of Angels. And not just any pair would do, I wanted Movie Stars. The most notorious subjects of all for the public break-ups and split marriages. If they marry at all! Success here shows my talent at turning lemon’s into lemonade. For Casey Jones and Sandra Benson it did require a smack in the face to get them going…

Available Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

PS – oh and if you want a FREE READ we got one of those going on too. At ARe you can get the story of how our boss, Senior Cupid X got his promotion and the match he made – Love Transposed

Love Transposed – One arrow straight through two chests was all it took for carpenter/painter Dan and trust fund baby, Jane, to go from making each other crazy to being crazy about each other.

Thanks again, – Chelsy


  1. Howdy ladies! Great post! I just bought my ecopy of Cupid Gone Wild and I can’t wait to read it=) As for the question I would have to say yes and no. Yes because I think some people might need a little help in the love department from Cupid. Then I think some people are fine without help from the love god. Anywho I love the idea of cupid and this anthology seems like a great read;)



  2. Thanks so much for having me on Sam! I look forward to hearing from commenters and I will be sure to drop in!
    Chelsy Day
    The Hollywood Hookup

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