Barefoot Books- review and contest for you!

Disclosure: In any review for a product or service, products or compensation may have been provided to me to help facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and honest. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC Guidelines. Please see “Disclose” and "Terms of Use" tabs for more information.

I love books- can you tell?   🙂
And I truly, truly wish I had found this company much earlier then now.  Have you ever heard of Barefoot Books?  If you haven’t- I’m going to tell you all about them right now!  (And if you have, but have never purchased a book from them- I hope you will pick one up soon!)

Barefoot Books is an independent publishing company that devotes itself to cultural and environmental education and awareness.  Started by two moms (Yay for Mom-Based-Businesses!) who wanted their kids to grow up reading books that let them explore, imagine, ad learn while becoming respectful of the planet and the diversity the world has to offer.  Barefoot Books has writers and storytellers from all over the world that write these books to help shape our children into global citizens who care about the planet and people around them.  (Um hello- where was I?  Under a rock?  How could I not have, like, the entire collection by now?  These are perfect for not only my kids, but my classroom!)

These books have led to such great conversations, and even into lesson plans.  While reading “We’re Riding on a Caravan“, the kids learned about ancient travel and how things were transported from one place to another before modern conveniences.  We added geography, map skills, and a little history lesson about Central Asia and China, and where silk came from.  We talked about China and emperors, and worked this into our “Chinese New Year” theme.  Bringing out some Chinese character stamps for the animals representing one’s birth year, a map of ancient China, and paintbrushes and ink to make our own characters- we had lots of Chinese activity and lessons that week.  We even played a game that is a re-creation of one from ancient China.  We also discussed some of the countries surrounding China and that the caravan traveled through.   We built a tiny “yurt”, talked about warrior horsemen, and of course, play-dough “terra cotta soldiers”.
That was all from ONE BOOK!  We built a week of fun and activities out of that one book.  By the way, these books are BEAUTIFUL!  You will love them- the artwork is lovely.   AND???  They care, a company that cares!  Second YAY!  🙂  They plant a tree for every book purchased, and they are going green with their publishing! 

An Adventure on the Silk Road

Join the caravan for an exciting yearlong trek along China’s ancient Silk Road. Following the rhyming, treasure-filled story are informational endnotes about the history of the Silk Road, the story of silk, important cities of China, and a full-spread map.
Ages 4 to 10 years
Written By: Laurie Krebs
Illustrated By: Helen Cann

We also received Kangaroos Have Joeys .  The book is again, just beautiful, and Little Man loves that he can “read” it to me.  (Really, with me, LOL.)  It is a sturdy board book, and it teaches children the names of baby animals.  

Learn the names of twenty-four animals and their babies in this simple rhyming text. Notes at the end enhance the experience, with facts about the habitats of each of the featured animals.
Ages 2 to 6 years
Written By: Stella Blackstone
Illustrated By: Philippa-Alys Browne

I highly, highly recommend Barefoot Books.   
You can purchase your own selection HERE.  
You can also enter to win below.  Here is how to enter!

Here is how to enter-

Mandatory entry
You must be a public follower on Google Friend Connect.
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.  

Please visit Barefoot Books and tell me your favorite book or what you like about Barefoot Books  🙂

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#Win  Barefoot Books- review and contest for you!  @HaveSippy  #Kids #Books 

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#Win  Barefoot Books- review and contest for you!  @HaveSippy  #Kids #Books 

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– enter the Heirloom Wooden  Toys Contest HERE

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OOO, so many ways to win! Good luck!

DISCLOSURE: A product sample was provided for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary.  Void where prohibited by law.  Open to US shipping addresses only.  Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above.  Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends April 2,  2011.  


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  15. I really like I Dreamt I was a Dinosaur thanks for the chance

  16. i am a follower on gfc susansmoaks and i would love to get the book the beeman
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    Diane Baum

  18. FB fan 2 – forgot to tell you I like the Elusive Moose book. arobimom at gmail dot com

  19. FB fan – forgot to tell you I like the Elusive Moose book. arobimom at gmail dot com

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  37. I’m a GFC follower. The Barefoot Book of Princesses sounds like a fun book! tylerpants(at)

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  39. I like you on Facebook (Erin E)
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  41. I like Barefoot Books on Facebook (Erin E)
    sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com

  42. My favorite is I Took the Moon for a Walk. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
    sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com

  43. I like “The Barefoot Book of Classic Poems”!

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  48. I follow and my kids would like the, I Dreamt I was a Dinosaur book.
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  78. I can imagine my daughter would love The Barefoot Book of Fairy Tales.

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  81. I follow on gfc and my favorite is The Barefoot Book of Princesses.


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  113. love The Prince’s Bedtime!

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  128. I like Port Side Pirates

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    I would LOVE How Loud is a Lion 🙂

  130. I follow on gfc.

    Animal boogie and How Loud is a Lion both look like fun.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

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