Nutella® hazelnut spread

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Ok so we just had a really cute party, sponsored by Nutella® hazelnut spread.  I had the opportunity to spread the joy.  We invited some friends over, had a light brunch and a fun get together.  Some were Nutella newbies, others had been fans.  We had a Nutella® hazelnut spread tasting and everyone brought some favorite foods and ideas.  Nutella on toast, someone else brought over graham crackers and small marshmallows to make Nutella s’mores,  which, while not brunch-y, were phenomenal.   We used our provided Nutella spreading knives and shared away. My husbands favorite was peanut butter and Nutella.  Maybe a bit boring- but he liked it!
Now, honestly, this would be a not food I would give my kids on the regular for breakfast.  But as a once in a while weekend breakfast treat, it’s fun in moderation.   And, it is a good snack.

Children need to be taught from an early age that breakfast is not to be skipped. They also must be taught the importance of eating wholesome and healthy breakfast meals instead of sugary cereal or donuts.
Fact: The most important meal of the day is breakfast. Nutella in the proper portion of 1-2 tablespoons can make this meal nutritious and fun.  (So says the experts on Nutella’s site– click the hotlinks and check it out)
Fact: There are 50 hazelnuts in a 13 ounce jar of Nutella hazelnut spread.
Fact: Nutella hazelnut spread does not come into contact with peanuts during the manufacturing process nor does it contain peanuts. 

There were also recipes that Nutella® hazelnut spread provided us to try out.   
Waffle Sandwich: Simply spread Nutella on one whole wheat toaster waffle and top with fresh fruit, finally top with a second waffle can slice in half.
Breakfast Sandwich: You can use a whole wheat English muffin or Whole grain bagel. Toast it and spread with 1-2 tablespoons of Nutella and top with cut up strawberries.
Breakfast Roll-Up: Spread 1-2 tablespoons of Nutella on a whole wheat tortilla. Then top with fruit and roll!
Want to see something crazy?  Check out this site for an amazing quantity of Nutella recipes!  

waiting our turn to grab a plate is HARD!!!

Over all, we had a great night and a few new ideas we hadn’t thought of before.  Everyone had a blast, thanks Nutella!  
 DISCLOSURE: A product sample was provided for review by MommyParties, MomSelect, and Nutella.  I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.


  1. we are a nutella lovin’ family too! just the last weekend I told my hubby I wanted to spread it on my waffel but I didn’t want the kids to see that! lol maybe I will have to try it afterall!

  2. I’ve never tried this. It sounds yummy.

  3. I used to love Nutella when I was a kid!

  4. I’m making a concerted effort to teach my little one to enjoy breakfast now, so he’ll want to enjoy it later.

    Myself, I’ve never tried Nutella, although I’ve heard great things! I’m going to put it on my grocery list…

    Newly following through the Fab Friends Hop!

    Baby Talk without the Babble

  5. Ok, I may have to try Nutella now!

    I’m just stopping by from the blog hop! I’m now following and would love if you would stop by and visit sometime at ! Have a great day!

  6. I love Nutella – definitely as a treat, but it’s a yummy one. Thanks for sharing some ideas for other ways to enjoy it. I’m like your hubby – I like it with peanut butter! 🙂

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