Big Event Fundraising

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OK- do you all HATE the chap garbage that is normally associated with fund-raising?  Overpriced garbage- sorry, but I call it like I see it.  I’d rather just give a donation then have to get a $10 roll of cheap-o wrapping paper, thanks.  AND IT NEVER, EVER ENDS…..Lol, ah- to be a parent!
Of course- the kids also get prizes- WHOOP-e-de-do!  MORE cheap garbage, that we in fact pay for with our payment of overpriced junk, LOL.  And only the top kids get even those tacky prizes.  To me- either skip the prizes for the kids all together, thus letting the kids participate in something that they benefit from anyway (that is why they are fundraising, right?) but without a silly personal prize, or give them all a chance to win.  That’s just me.  They don’t all have access to 300 family members with disposable income for $38 cookie cutters. 
(Can you tell I really dislike traditional fundraising catalogs?  And yep- bad me, I do not participate in them.  OOOOHHH, going to “mommy jail!”   I’ll do all the bake sales, can drives, and coupon book sales that you want- DO NOT hand me a catalog of junk to sell to my friends and relatives.  I want to continue to have friends and I don’t want to be disowned, thanks!  LOL)

OK- I will get back to the point!  There is a better way.  Big Event Fundraising
With other fundraisers, there are two ways to raise money, donations and selling various items.  IE- cookies, wrapping paper, etc.  As the children (and of course the parents/grand parents/ uncles/ aunts) sell more products, the projects generate more revenue and usually the child gets a bigger prize.  These prizes usually don’t add up to much more then pencil sets, erasers or race car sets.  Not that the prize should be the main point, of course.  It would be nice if the kids could do this without a personal gain only in mind, since the fundraisers are already for them!  Anyway- most times these prizes come months later and are forgotten in a drawer or lost in a desk within days.  And break.  They always break. 
Big Event Fund raising is different, the innovative idea behind their fund raising program is this: why give kids prizes they don’t really want when you can give them memories?  In all honesty, is your son/daughter going to remember seeing a reptile exhibit IN THEIR GYMNASIUM or winning a pencil case?  Or a Super Splash party?

I know I would like to see a giant iguana up close, rather then having a millionth pencil, but hey that’s just me.  These prizes are also attainable.  All the child has to do is sell between 5 and 8 items in order to attend the show chosen by the kids/staff.  I really like this idea, it makes kids want to be involved in activities, teaches them about interaction with people, and also teaches them about a specific topic during the actual activity.  Yes, these activities are actually educational.  WOAH- you mean things that actually make sense for a school environment?  And require cooperation?  And won’t clutter my house?  Or make my kids screech when a cheap toy breaks?  I am SO down.  It’s really a win-win situation.  (Oh yeah, and they also state that they offer higher quality merchandise.)  I just wish they did this when I was in school. 😉

Just an FYI- this is a sponsored post for Big Events Fundraising.  But that doesn’t mean I don’t mean EVERY work I said!


  1. This is a great idea. Fundraising isn’t going any where any time soon and I would much rather my money be spent on this!

  2. not a fan of kids having to do fundraisers but this is a better one than most.

  3. Hi! I’m a new follower from Swinging by Sunday! I hope you can swing by and follow me as well! Thanks so much!

  4. I do not like that every Sept kids are driving us all nuts for Christmas wrapping paper either hehehehe

  5. You are too funny and I’ve always hated those kind of fund raisers myself. This sounds like a good one.

  6. I hated fundraising as a kid. But if it meant a party – heck yeah I woulda tried to sell more! I like that you only have to sell a few items to be included. Most kids and their families can reach that goal – meaning MORE students overall participate!

  7. that sounds better then having to buy garbage!

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