Casey and Bella- still a few more days!!!

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Have you entered your child yet?  There is still a few more days to enter your young author into the Casey and Bella book contest!  I so wish my kids were old enough.
This is a great opportunity for any child!

(from author Jane Lovascio)
The Casey and Bella Story contest was created to foster creativity in 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. The idea for the Casey and Bella Story contest came about when I visited schools and saw how excited children were to share their own Casey and Bella story ideas. I decided to create a contest that would give a child the opportunity to have his/her story idea professionally published as the next book in the Casey and Bella book series!
Details….The Grand Prize Winner: receives a $500.00 cash prize, plaque, certificate, and his/her story idea is published in the book and then professionally illustrated, expanded, and published by Big as the next book in the Casey and Bella book series! The grand prize winner is credited for his/her story idea on the dedication page inside the book and the cover. I also travel to the Top 10 Winners’ schools to present the awards and read the finished story.
Each year the Casey and Bella Writing Contest begins September 1, 2010 and ends April 15, 2011. Entry forms and info can be found on & along with games and pictures of the characters.

And you can also Follow Casey and Bella on Twitter and on Facebook as well- don’t miss out on any news!  


  1. Aren’t those puppies just about the cutest things you’ve ever seen?

    Thanks for following my blog, I am now following back 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Great idea…I will definitely post it on my facebook. 🙂

  3. Thats awesome
    My kids have a few ideas, id let you know but lets just say it involves a famous mystery solver, his nephew scrappy and these two little pups.

    thanks for reminding me to enter!

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