Extra Entries Oppertunities!!

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Anyone who would like extra entries- please feel free to vote for a bloggy buddy Closer To Lucy– she is trying to win a contest to put in a special floor for her handicapped child.
If you want to vote for her, please feel free to have 5 entries into any contest  🙂

“This one is really for my daughter. For those of you that don’t know my (Lucy’s) story…the long and the short of it is I have a special needs child in a wheelchair.

I have always wanted to put in hardwood floors for her and make her bathroom more assessable but can’t afford all the work that would go into it.

I’ve enetered yet another contest in hope of winning it! Wouldn’t that be thrilling! OMgoodness I just can’t even imagine.

Gotta like the page:
My entry is under Carmen Askew and my caption is Getting assessable isn’t easy!”


  1. As a mother with disabled kids, I know how much of a struggle it could be sometimes. I casted my vote for her. I hope she wins!!

  2. You rock! Thank you lovie! Lil Lucy thanks you too!

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