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To wrap up my “Big Boy Bed” Sweet Dreams celebration, I am returning to an “old friend”. Those of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter have no doubt read my updates and seen the photos of our buddy, ScareMeNot, Protector Patty! We just love her. She has been a constant in Little Man’s crib, nap mat, car rides, and now bed, since she got here back in the fall. What a great idea this is- a Monster for your Monsters! These huggable and friendly monsters, the ScareMeNots, have been to school and learned all the ways to protect your little one from any “boogie men” and monsters under the bed that may be lurking after mom and dad close the door at night and the lights are out. They also seem to be able to help a bit with bad dreams. (Why not? The power of suggestion is an amazing thing- run with it!) They have these great tails that allow them to hang from just about anywhere- you can also tuck it under the bed to keep an eye out, if that is your biggest monster woe. Most of them have lots of extra eyes, all the better to watch out at night and keep a nervous sleeper safe and sound (and calm, so able to sleep!)
As a woman who puts over 20 kids down for nap/bed every day, I can tell you that anything that makes this job easier is worth is weight in gold. But they don’t charge gold- they are really priced right! I have to say, I have bought more then one of these as a gift. They really are perfect, and any kid will love it!
Now Scare Me Nots come in a Travel Size- perfect for us (ahem!) and now Patty has a “baby”, and Little Man has a little buddy- Deep Breath Dudly! Not only is he just as powerful at protecting your sleeper from wayward monsters, proving once more that good things DO come in small packages, but he also benefits a great cause- Kids Sleep Disorders. For every Dudley purchased, a donation will be made to the Children and . I love companies (And monsters!) that care!
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Little Man also brought Patty and Dudley to school- as usual, lol- and when they woke up from naptime, they were all very hungry. Since Patty is the Mommy, she had fruit. Since Dudley is the baby, he got a cookie. (Sound like real life? LOL)
OK, so- one of you will get to win a ScareMeNot to add to (or start!) your own collection 🙂
Can’t wait? Buy one now Here!
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You must be a public follower on Google Friend Connect.
Leave me your email so I can contact you if you win.
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-Follow ScareMeNots on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway.
#WIN ScareMeNots- you are going to love them! (One of … http://t.co/EXh3fQj @HaveSippy @ScareMeNot
– Like Scare Me Nots on FaceBook – I’d love you to tell them Have Sippy Will Travel Sent you! Never required, always appreciated!
-“Like” me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Have-Sippy-Will-Travel/118293111555385
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– Follow me on Twitter ( you can use my adorable button to the side!) and tweet about this contest
#WIN ScareMeNots- you are going to love them! (One of … http://t.co/EXh3fQj @HaveSippy @ScareMeNot
Please make sure you follow first!
+2 entries
– Email a friend about this contest, with a CC to me at kangabunnie@gmail.com
(you get an extra entry if they enter, too!)
-Add my button to your blog, and leave me the link so I can find it
– Follow me on “Networked Blogs”- I just added it, LOL
– blog about this giveaway, and link back to this contest (leave me the URL in comment, please)
-Add me to your blogroll, with a link back to me
– Vote for me on “We’re On The Fence!” (Just Click the Button to the left that says “We’re On the Fence” until it confirms you voted for your’s truly!)
– enter another one of my giveaways
– comment on a non-giveaway post
OOO, so many ways to win! Good luck!
DISCLOSURE: A product sample was provided for review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed in this post are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Open to US shipping addresses only. Limited to US residents; 18 years old and above. Sponsor is responsible for providing and mailing prize. Ends May 9, 2011.
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