Is your kid’s naptime not fun, either????

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I just want to give a little shout out to ScareMeNots, who really make my life a whole lot easier.  Naptime at the PreSchool is not a fun time- it makes me want to find a vice  (hehe).  Hey- YOU try putting 15-20 kids down for a nap at once, and KEEPING them down!  Lol.
I have been taking Patty and sticking her high on a shelf to “watch” the kids while they sleep- and I am wondering why I didn’t think of this sooner.  It has been a much, much quieter nap week.  Sigh. 
I guess we just underestimate the “scary” of sleep, don’t we, as adults.  Feel free to stop by ScareMeNots and say hello- they have a fun page- and the Facebook page is always cute.   🙂
Happy Napping!


  1. Hey I’m with Wakela they didn’t have fun things like this when we were raising kids. It is a wonder ours got any sleep at all. LOL

  2. SSS- I know, right? My brother had one as well- “Ice Face Monster”. IDK.

    Darcy- Just you wait….

    Wakela- I do the same thing! LOL But the SMN are more comforting, somehow. I think because they are “huggy” and always physically visible and there

  3. That is a great idea. When mine were little, I took a spray bottle and cleaned it out. Then I mixed up a batch of “Monster B Gone” (just plain water but they didn’t know that). Then I slapped on a homemade label and sprayed it whenever they got scared. We didn’t have anything as cute as ScareMeNots back then.

  4. Naptime is a mixed bag at my house, that’s for sure! I like your idea of using it at the preK!

  5. What an interesting idea! I wish I had one of those to watch after me when I was little. A witch lived in my room at night. Certified monster watchers are a must for any kid!

  6. You love those little guys!

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