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VoiceQuilt is a uniquely personal gift – filled with your vivid, heart-touching greeting, memories and tribute. Record a toast to DAD or congratulations messages to a proud grad . Then, you can upload their favorite sentimental music. It will be a gift they cherish for a lifetime.
The sound of someone’s voice – their accent, tone and laughter – conveys much more than a photo, letter or a store-bought gift. VoiceQuilt™ is a wonderfully creative gift solution for an individual, groups or families, a unique way to celebrate a special birthday, anniversary, retirement, Mother’s Day, Christmas, graduations, Father’s Day, a wedding or just to reach out to someone special just because.
In addition, VoiceQuilt is a great way to share recipes, messages to troops overseas, sick children or anything else you can think of…there is no end to how you can use it! In times of celebration, VoiceQuilt makes memories last forever and when times are tough, VoiceQuilt becomes a personal cheering squad.
How VoiceQuilt Works…
Choose a toll-free phone package so that you can record your very own personal message, song and/or dedication. Or, if you like, you can have more than one person leave messages, toasts and tributes as well.
(We are giving you a coupon for 7 days worth of phone time!)
If you are doing this as a group, invite family and friends to phone in toasts, tributes and favorite memories. (VoiceQuilt’s email tools provide simple dialing instructions for callers plus draft invitation text that you can customize.)
Once you record your message and/or song, visit the VoiceQuilt Message Center to listen online. No special software is needed – just your web browser. Choose which messages/songs/audio clips to include in the VoiceQuilt playlist, give them descriptive labels, and arrange them in the order you like.
Need ideas for the Grad in your life?
Lots more ideas on the website- a great idea for many occasions.
Great for someone in a nursing home too.
Sounds great.
good for soldiers abroad