For a Perfect Pedi…

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Have you ever looked down, and wondered where the hobbit feet came from?  Well OK, not hobbit feet but you know what I mean.  It is summer time, so walking around bare foot is quite common.  And even more common is breaking in those new sandals just in time for the strap to break and you have to start the cycle again.  Not to mention you are showing your feet almost all the time, so your feet need to look nice!

So you want them to look pretty, but maybe you have some callouses and hard spot on your feet.  Or dry skin, I know I do.  Especially on my heels, ugh.  The only way to really get rid of them is moisturizing and slowly breaking away at the hard spots, by scrubbing away the dead skin.  There is a great new product out there called Emjoi.  Emjoi will help breakdown the hard spots with minimal effort.  It will actually do a whole lot more then you think it is doing- I thought nothing was happening, because that is what it felt like.  Nothing.  But then I looked at all it had pulled off, and ew.  It had been working.

I am used to a rougher treatment, like a pumice stone and the like.  This was way more gentle.  In just a few seconds, quite a bit of dead skin came off my heel.  When you are done using Emjoi, it is easy to clean too, just use a moist paper towel and wipe it down.  Easy breezy.

DISCLOSURE: I  received the above products  for review . I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.



  1. I don’t know which book of the hobbit tales tells of the one hobbit that has a dragon for a daddy and has the worst possible outcome of genetics with the crooked spaghetti toes, hairy feet, cracked up heals and big old callouses all over them. But that’s me. I even had the “permanent toe surgery” twice, because apparently it’s only permanent with human feet. Back in the day when we could afford luxuries like meat, I would go every 2 weeks for my pedicure to the lovely lady for my torture session, who took the black and decker to my feet while wearing a hazmat suit and suspected speaking in her native language about the remarkably skankified feet I have. I have tried everything, now with our current budget ( or utter lack there of) I must admit, my feet have set new heights on horror. If I can convince my family they don’t really need peanut butter this month I will rush out and try this. If that sounds selfish, I will remind them I plan to wear sandals to their upcoming school open houses next week. Wish me luck!

  2. I desperately need one of these, I have horrible peeling, cracked heels. The rest of my feet are okay, I suppose, but my heels are nightmarish. Your “hobbit feet” assessment is pretty much dead on.

  3. My feet are gnarly, bleck. I have a pedi egg but it is nearly worthless. I need to take the time to let the professionals do it but I am just so dern cheap!

  4. my feet are always a mess

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