A Question for You!

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So- I have a LOTS of fun Birthday Bash giveaways for you guys.  I don’t normally make “packages” of them- but since this is a Birthday theme, I thought maybe one or two “gift sets” or prizes all together would be nice in addition to all the separate prizes. 
What do you think?  Bigger prizes, or separate them all?  (MOST of them will be separate- I was just thinking of one or two big ones, if any.  And WAIT until you see the ending review and contest!  You will love it, I am so excited!)
And even though Little Man is clearly a boy, we didn’t forget the girls  🙂  There will be a few things here for them, as well.
Love to hear your thoughts!  Here, via email, twitter, or Facebook.  Just let me know your preferences  🙂
The sponsors are cool either way, we have already spoken about the possibility. 
Have a nice day!



  1. I like the prize pack idea.

  2. Bigger prizes sound fun! ♫ ♪ Happy Birthday Bash to you! ♫ ♫

  3. I would rather see single prizes with several opportunities to win so more winners!

  4. Big packages are always so much fun! 😉

  5. 1 or 2 package giveaways is a great idea. Fun for entrants and great draw to your blog.

  6. Big or little doesn’t matter to me. I am just happy to have the opportunity to win!

  7. I love those package giveaways. I have won a few of them and it is so thrilling. I can’t wait for a boy themed party! There is so little out there for our guys. I am super excited and I put your bash button near the tipy top of my blog <3

  8. I would say bigger prizes. 😉

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