At What Point Should One Become Involved?

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This was just shocking to me today, and I can’t even digest it.  I’m so disgusted right now….

So, we were running around all day.  My kids were really well behaved, so I told them they could choose where we grabbed lunch.  Bad move- they picked McDonalds.  Ugh.  Sigh, fast food once in a while won’t kill them, right?
SO Anyway- they eat, and there is a Play Place in this one, so they are playing, running around, etc.  There are a few other parents there as well with their kids. 

A few minutes after we got there, these two women, mothers of a combined 5 children aged roughly two to six years old, walk out the door.  Alone.  So I start to freak- but my husband points at a man alone at a table, and says that he is the dad/husband of one of the women.  I still feel odd, but think, weeeeeellll, OK.  But, it FEELS wrong, you know?

About 20 minutes later, the two women come back, park the SUV, and start banging on the doors and windows, yelling for the kids to come out.  Like, YELLING.  The kids go running out the door.  The man stays at the table- obviously NOT a daddy to those children.  No waving or talking to them or the women- he clearly doesn’t even know them!

Those women left 5 small kids alone in a McDonalds for roughly 20 minutes.  With strangers.  On a highway.  What are were they thinking?  What if they got hurt or wandered off, or even had to potty?  If they were abducted?  I wanted to go slap them, scream at them, something- my husband kept yanking me back into my chair, I was furious.  The mommy and teacher, the HUMAN in me just wanted to…I have no idea, but they just have no business being mothers.  I really try not to judge others, I REALLY make an effort-  but these women, so nonchalantly wandering off and leaving these little, little kids alone, then coming back and screaming at them like the children were at fault (let alone the rest of our kids having to hear that language) and tossing them into a car like “who cares”?

I wrote down the license plate to call the police, but my husband says to just drop it and it isn’t my business.  What do you think?
Am I being crazy, should I drop it?  What would you do?

I did tell the manager when I saw the moms coming back/picking them up, however what I really wanted to do was call the cops.  They do have security cameras at the Play Place, I gave them the license plate number, and I hope that the police get them.  But I wanted to call and make sure that they were told. If I wasn’t with my husband, who kept stopping me, the call would have been made.  Mr. “Non-Confrontation”….I’m so frustrated. I am a person of action, this is NOT how I roll…I should have called and just fought with him later, I am so mad. 



  1. In this day of babies having babies, this is not all that unusual of a behavior. I personally have witnessed endless amounts of neglectful abuse, I am a mother of five foster children(all grown now). Four are brothers who’s mom, after having 8 children, decided she still wanted a “life”; she sent those last four to whomever she could find who would take care of them. That turned out to be my father and myself. They were often neglected, while mom went off with whichever boyfriend of the moment. When you hear of young girls wanting to have babies, this is their idea of how to have a family since they might not have had a real family when they grew up. Unfortunately, this is a cycle that repeats and repeats. Those same girls get into their 20’s and 30’s and have a handful of children they no longer wish to take care of, because they “missed their teen years”. I have no real answers to any of these problems, but those mothers who left the children by themselves, were counting on whichever was the oldest to be responsible, even if that child was 4 or 5. Too much responsibility for a child of that age makes the child resentful and unable to focus on what their real job in life is: getting an education and finding their way out of that horrible cycle of poverty.

  2. Wow…things like this just leave me speechless. I can’t imagine why on earth any parent would do such a thing, but I also know that these things happen out there in the world. So so sad.

    Even though it may be too late to expect the police to do anything about it now, if I were you, I’d still call up there and give them the information. Then, it might not hurt to ask them what they would suggest you do in such a situation. At least then, next time (which hopefully there won’t be one) you will know exactly what the authorities would want you to do to protect the children.

  3. I’ve had something similar happen. Our family swims regularly at an indoor pool – a small town version of a ymca. One day there was a 3 year old playing in the shallow end. I watched him for awhile and when no grownups were around I went and talked to him. All he could tell me was that mommy went bye bye. I talked to the lifeguard and we called the cops. Mom got there at same time the cops did. She was royally pissed , but they took her downtown. Apparently she thought dropping him off at a pool where he could be kidnapped, drown or whatever worked as a babysitter.

  4. wow! Free baby-sitting! I wonder where they went??

    Okay, that really doesn’t matter. Some moms think that a 6 year old is able to take care of the other kids “for a minute.” This is totally unacceptable and I really hope that they get into some sort of trouble before one of their kids gets hurt or worse! 🙁

  5. I’d have rung child protection services.

  6. Yes, I didn’t know the man wasn’t their dad until they came back, or I would have, trust me! If I knew those women left the kids with no one, I would have grabbed a manager straight away. But I did tell the manager when I saw the moms coming back/picking them up, however what I really wanted to do was call the cops. They do have security, and I hope that the police get them. I wrote down the license plate and all.

  7. I wish I could say that I cannot believe a parent would do that, but sadly we hear so many stories time and time again of parental neglect. I think you were right on the money when you considered calling the police; I would have. While we’re supposed to “mind our own business” at some point we have to to cross over lines to help those incapable of helping themselves, children. Granted, the situation may not have been as dire as say leaving kids in a locked car in the summer, but it’s all about degrees. This was indeed a potentially dangerous situation and it was indeed abandonment. And perhaps a visit by the local police might help kick start a much needed parental reality check in those women.

    But I do understand, I’ve had occasions in my past where I regretted not stepping in.

  8. before you got to the part about the plate, I was thinking the same thing. I would have called. Those so called MOthers could answer to the police and think twice about doing that next time. They’re children not animals to be left alone.

  9. Wow…I cannot comprehend how a parent could do that! I probably would have called the police, but it might be a little late to do that now. But seriously wow. This blows my mind that a parent could just leave their young child like that with strangers…

  10. Oh jees Sam… What a horrible situation for you to be in. Honestly, I think calling the police might have been the right thing to do. I know in America we never want to “offend” anyone but these women have no business with children. I have seen situations where I wished I had acted differently. Maybe you can pray about this and consider what your action would be next time that way you have a plan and wont doubt yourself. Hugs to you my friend <3

  11. I am still in shock from reading your posts…

    Probably now it is a little too late to call the police, but if this ever happens again (who really leaves their children), perhaps inform a staff member. They might have policies on what to do. I understand being a concerned citizen, but I wouldn’t want to answer for a hurt or abducted child.

    Still, wow!!

  12. Some people just don’t think!! And they would probably be the first to sue McDonald’s cause their kids were abducted!!!

  13. Yeah, that ticks me off as well. Too bad you couldn’t have called and had the police meet the women when they returned. Would have served them right. Honestly, who leaves young kids by themselves like that? It’s just not safe.

  14. Dang it! Chaps my buns as well! How some peeps can be okay with that kind of behavior is beyond me…especially with lil peeps that small!

    Good thing someone was there to watch them, even if you were just the silent observer…but OMG what if the man had been a baby snatcher!

    Reminds me of something you’d see staged on that show “What would you do?”

    Makes me physically ill!

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