Can you believe it’s been ten years? Remembering 9/11

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I don’t want to write a post about this.  It feels so fresh, doesn’t it?  And I feel like a cliche right now.
We all know right where we were, who we were with, and every second of those minutes and days.  Its crazy looking at my class, and my kids, and knowing that they weren’t even alive at the time.  Not that I want to talk to small kids about that, those days.  Those acts.  Monsters are already all too real for little children, I wouldn’t want to have them know at such a tender age that no, there are no monsters in your closet or under your bed.  The real monsters look just like us, and are just people filled with hate.  You can’t tell who they are.  It’s too scary for me, I hate thinking of little kids having to hear these things. 

I was a nanny at the time, and there were small children whose daddy worked in the towers at the time, that I was taking care of.  (Daddy was OK- he was on a business trip).  I was horrified that the 3 year old saw and heard the things he did-  he understood too much.  Bad men came and killed people in planes, and in daddy’s work.  People died, and now everyone cries all the time.  Cars stayed in train stations for weeks.  Their owners were not coming home. 

What I told my class and my kids, is that September 11 is a day called Patriots Day, where we remember special people who passed away during a very sad event.  Linda Ellerbee and Nickelodeon put out a DVD and some info about talking to kids about it- but I still want to wait until kids are just a bit older, at least 7 or so, before talking to them about these events that shook our nation.  No point scaring them right now- they just don’t need to know.  Or maybe I just don’t want to talk about it with them.  

It just seems like it happened 5 minutes ago, not 10 years.  I was a freshman in college, and they locked down our school because we were so close.  No one’s phone worked.  And we were all terrified.  One of the teacher’s had her son working there and wouldn’t stop screaming.  My boss worked there, and I was worried sick.  And thinking of his wife and kids…..Then when the towers fell.  We were so young, we thought it was World War 3 beginning.  Sigh. 

Prayers of thanks for all those rescuers who did all they could that day.  And for those who still suffer.  Prayers for those who are so filled with hate, that God will turn their hearts and make them love, and accept others.  Prayers for the oppressed, that they experience life and joy.  Prayers for the families of the lost, the suffering, the forever changed. Prayers for the children who grew up without a parent.  For those who died in the planes.  For those who fought the men who created havoc, and saved the lives of others while sacrificing their own. 

Mostly- Prayers for this world, and for it’s people.  That we can learn to love, to honor, and to accept those who are not like us, and learn to live together in peace.  Because there really is no there way.  It shouldn’t matter who you love, what God you worship, or where you happen to hail from.  We all bleed the same color, and we all ultimately want the same thing.  To live in peace, to be happy, to raise our families and to go about our lives.  I think those are pretty worldwide goals. 

Please God, have mercy on this world, and have mercy on your children.  Help us learn to love each other, and help us learn to live in peace together.  Children do need to grow up some day, and man’s history has been littered long enough with hate and war.  Please God, teach us to love, to let go, and to accept- even if we don’t agree or approve, we can let go and let God. 

Peace and love to you and yours, bloggy buddies.  May whomever you pray to, or whatever guides you, bring you peace and joy and love.  And may we create it for ourselves. 



  1. Sam, this is such a moving post. It is awesome that you put in there that we should be praying for the wicked to have their hearts softened…prayer and the gospel are the most powerful tools available in changing people hearts. I ♥ this post!

    Thanks for adding it to my Christian Moms Blog Hop!

  2. Wonderful prayer! 9/11 posts bring a lump to my throat. Thank you for sharing!


  3. Amen to that! Seemed just like yesterday.Raw memories 🙁

  4. I couldn’t agree more.

  5. Lovely Post! Made me cry! That day we were getting our oil changed for the trip to the mountains to get married and saw it all on the news at the car dealership. It feels very new like it cant be 10 years already. My brother in law served a year in Afghanistan and thankfully came home safe. We were married a week later and it was a sad time for America. We are coming up in our 10 year wedding anniversary and its always on my mind as we celebrate happiness to think of those who lost their lives. God Bless everyone!!

  6. God Bless

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