Flooding Update- Irene, I want to kick your butt

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The pile still left in our driveway….after loading up the dumpster.  this is still left.  Waiting for the second one. 


All our things in the dumpster…

And our things driving away.  this was such a knife in my chest, i can’t tell you.  at this point, I just sat down and cried. 

The floor- or what is left of it.  Need to pull the rest of it up.  YAY. 

One of the 6 walls that need to come down- this one is mostly down. 

This is where we are- it is currently pouring, so we can’t do much today.  Just what we need- more rain- yay!  🙁   Well, at least it will perhaps wash that awful smell away.
I miss my washing machine and dryer, but at least we can flush the toilets now!  😛  

THANK YOU all of you who have sent emails, messages, and more over our way.  You can’t know what it means to me to know you guys are thinking of us, and it means a lot to me.  You all are amazing. 
Today was our first day back at work, and I will also be back to reviews and giveaways as of today.  Thanks for hanging in there with me this week.  Peace and love to you all.  



  1. Oh Samantha Im so sorry! I went through the tornadoes in April of this yr. We didnt loose anything thank God. We just had some minor damage. We went without power for nearly 2 weeks! I wish there was something I could do to help you sweetie. I am praying for you & your family. Just hang in there & know you have an army of blog followers that are praying for you!

    mnrquick at yahoo dot com

  2. So sorry to see this and hear about this. I can’t even imagine what you are going though. Thinking of you…. Hoping the days ahead will be brighter and bring good things to you and our family.

  3. Keeping you and your family in thought and prayers… stay strong, keep the faith … and believe HE knows why he is sending life on this detour… xo HHL

  4. I have just recently started reading your blog, but my heart goes out to you – I can’t imagine what I would do……

    Praying for you!


  5. Oh Honey! That’s so sad. I’m so sorry.

  6. Speechless here…I would have cried too, a lot. I really don’t know what to say…praying for you and always thinking of you.

  7. OMG…..

  8. You & your family remain in our prayers Sam! I cannot imagine how hard it would be to watch your things being toted away in a dumpster. 🙁 But I’m thankful you are all safe. Keep plugging away! Don’t give up faith! **hugs!!**

  9. 🙁 I’m still sending many, many good thoughts & prayers your way. You are already moving on, it will get better, just keep your chin up and remember that. e-hugs- (())

  10. Wow Sam… I am still praying for you all. Put your trust in the Lord. He will see you through. Hugs my friend <3

  11. I just sent an email to see how you were doing but now I know.
    I’m so sorry that all this has happened to such a wonderful person.
    Love you,

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