My Foo Dog

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This is my dopey dog, who may LOOK small- but don’t let him fool you- he’s over 75 lbs, LOL.
He just thinks he is a lapdog.  My poor pup (about 10 years old, not exactly sure since he is a rescue) has a tumor in his foot, and the vet said he will most likely need to have it amputated.  We just found out on Monday.  Pet lovers, if you would please say a little prayer for him, it would be awesome.  Thanks ya’ll! 



  1. What a beautiful boy. I will say a prayer for him & you.

  2. poor guy

  3. Poor boy! I hope he recovers well.

  4. What a cute face!! Praying all goes well.

  5. Poor baby! My brother had a dog that had to have his leg amputated as well and he adjusted so well. Here’s hoping your pup does too!

  6. Love him what a cutie!!! Prayers x’s millions:)

  7. Aw, poor baby! Praying for him and you too!!

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