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I was recently awarded some awesome blogging awards that I wanted to share. The first is the Blog on Fire Award:

The second is the Kreativ Blogger award!
Thank you to Mama Luvs Books for these awards! Check out her page if you haven’t already!
I have to pass this on to new blogs, and also tell you 7 things about myself.
Here are the 7 things-
1) I am a huge history Geek
2) LOVE musical shows
3) have both adopted and bio kids- but one of them chooses not to be on the blog much. She is a wack-a-doo, LOL
4) have aspirations of a Ph.D in history
5) LOVE to read
6) pet lover, animal rescue and re-hab-er 😛
7) Love to sing- and don’t care who hears me, LOL
And here are the newly awarded blogs!
Thanks again for the awards 🙂
Congrats Samantha 🙂 have a lovely week ahead..
Ai @ Sakura Haruka