Did I mention Jon Bon Jovi was at the Mario 3D Event? LOL

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Yep- makeup free and with his kiddos- but not happy to have people taking photos, methinks! LOL.



  1. This Mario is on Santa’s List at my house

  2. I LOVE me some Bon Jovi! I was just saying in my latest blog post, that I love oldie music, but I keep hearing Bon Jovi on the local oldies station, which I do NOT appreciate! Your blog is great, and your son is adorable! Why not ice cream in the winter!?!?!? I’m new to the Finding Friends Blog Hop! I’m off to read some more!

  3. LOL it must be rough to be a celebrity and as it looks by some of the comments equally as rough being a travel reviewer who gets these kind of fun opportunities and friends that wish they got to go too.

  4. That’s so awesome, I love him! Funny, I never thought of him as a family guy. Did your kids know who he was or were they like, “He’s old, Mom, who cares?” LOL.

    New follower from the Finding Friends Weekend Blog Hop,

  5. Visiting from the blog hop! So cool that you saw JBJ at the 3D event. Following your blog. Check mine out at: http://www.twomomsalittletimeandakeyboard.blogspot.com.

  6. I’m from the blog hop and am a new follower. I bet your kids had fun.Please come check my site out http://watchmeplaynlearn.blogspot.com/

  7. JBJ needs to retire already haha. I found you on the blog hop and am your newest follower! Would love a follow back! Thanks!

  8. Ahhh, the things we suffer through when we’re famous…lol

  9. Yeah, this could have been something we were interested in. I agree with Lucy, another reason why we hate you Sam. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. See my last comment in the previous post…just ad this to the list of reasons why Lucy hates Sam ๐Ÿ™‚

    Lol, BTW – You kinda suck with the timing of details too.

  11. A total Jersey fantasy for you LOL
    That is awesome.

  12. How do you leave this important detail out! Oh to be the ground he walks on (just for a few mins) bahaha!

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