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The advent of the internet has made our lives easier in several important ways. Social networking
and instant messaging have created an interconnected global landscape, while instantaneous search
engines have expanded our access to information and knowledge. Internet service providers have long
recognized how essential online access has become and rising internet bills have become one more
financial burden to overcome. Fortunately, there are many simple ways that you can save money using
the internet, and by taking advantage of the following five techniques the cost of surfing the web can be
cut in half.
1.) Consolidate Your Entertainment – Today’s internet is more powerful than ever before and
searching for amusing YouTube videos is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to online
entertainment options. If you have children, for example, and find yourself renting movies
every week for family night, rental costs, late fees and trips to the video store can quickly add
up. Online services like Netflix have revolutionized movie viewing and the innovative Watch it
Now feature allows the savvy consumer to cancel their expensive cable or satellite plans. You
can now beam the latest movies direct from your computer to your TV and save thousands of
dollars per year on the cable bill.
2.) Shift to Online Telephone – In the same vein, the internet now allows families and individuals
to transfer their landline phones to an online service. The Vonage Company has made internet
phone plans affordable and convenient, and you can use this service to make unlimited long
distance phone calls for just $20 per month.
3.) Skype With Your Relatives – With the recession dragging onward many traditional expenses
like the annual road trip to visit family are simply not affordable. Thankfully, you can still wish
your grandchildren a happy birthday with that personal touch through the power of Skype.
This revolutionary online service enables users to talk to each other through their computer
monitors and uses web-cameras to provide crystal clear pictures. You can wave to your baby
niece and watch her smile back at you while separated by thousands of miles. Using Skype as an
alternative to pricey out-of-state visits is a great way to save money while using the internet.
4.) Improve Your Connection – Upgrading to wireless internet access is a smart way to save
money on your online costs. Outdated dial-up modems provide slower connections at a higher
price and are simply not cost efficient. Switching to wireless will shave your internet bill while
enhancing your overall online experience.
5.) Take Advantage of Online Shopping – With the holiday shopping season right around the
corner, the annual pilgrimage to the mall for Christmas toys and other gifts is fast approaching.
This American tradition has become a very expensive endeavor, but the power of online
shopping has leveled the playing field in favor of the consumer. You can find brand-name
bargains at a discount with popular shopping websites like eBay or Amazon, and with
membership programs you can even earn free shipping.
Great post. Even though we are pretty savy in saving charges/and bundling, it’s nice to be reminded or given new tips. We are still searching for an internet provider not connected to verizon bundle, so we can rid ourselves of the verizon home phone/internet bill (for a phone we never use!)
Saving money one url at a time…catchy 🙂