Wishing You and Yours a Happy 2012

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Here is to a new year full of gainful and fulfilling employment, happiness in the home, and free from hurricanes, zombie invasions, and Mayan end of the world scenarios.
And perhaps, to the Golden Age of Man. Lord, can we use it!!!

Peace and love to you and yours. Don’t forget to love one another more then you did this year. That’s my resolution. It’s a good one for everyone, I think. We can all use some more LOVE ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. Commented in non-blog post (New Year)

  2. It’s a bit past the New Year’s festivities, but I love this image so much! Thanks for sharing, and all the best in 2012!

  3. Happy New year! Awesome resolution. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Happy New Year Sam! Your goal is the perfect goal…if everyone made it their goal to love even better just think how much better our world would be!

  5. Great thoughts! Happy New Year to you too – I’m a new follower from the hop!

  6. Amen to that and may we reap what we sow if we love more than we did last year.

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