SafeSync- Save Your Files! Review and C0NTEST @TrendMicro

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Trend Micro are best known for their PC security software. They handle everything from anti virus to Trojan, spy ware, hackers- and everything in between. Now they are also entering into the cloud backup storage market with SafeSync.

SafeSync is a way of backing up your files from a home computer onto the Internet, or cloud. Then once there the files are securely saved for later retrieval. This is most useful for backing up those personal files which you cant not be without. Maybe family photos or work documents, maybe even a backup copy of your website. All of these are very important.

After fatal computer problems, files become either unusable or are simply gone. These horrid events happen to us all, everything has potential to break, even our most expensive and coveted electronics, our computers. Proper backup techniques should always be followed. A full backup every month, while backups of more important documents should be done on an as updated basis. We backup our photos every month, as well as our personal documents. There are currently 3 options available in terms of storage depending on your needs, 20 GB, 50 GB or 100 GB. Each costs a bit more per year. I would suggest giving it a try at 20GB but once you actually start using it, you will probably want at least the 50 GB option.

SafeSync does this very well and is very easy to use. Now comes the really neat part. SafeSync is available for just about any Operating System. As of now it supports : PC, Mac, iOS and Android. This means you can get to you data no matter what the device. Lets say you left that important presentation a home. Well if you were saving it to SafeSync. That file wouldn’t be home it would be accessible from your phone, tablet, work pc, even a friend’ s mac. This I absolutely love. Not only can you back up your files and perform necessary computer upkeep but you can also do this while using an online storage device. I would definitely suggest giving this a try if you are looking for either a new backup device or a cloud based drive.

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