Dear Daddy, Little Missed You Today….

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And he wanted to show you.
Since he got up late today, and mommy and Little will be sleeping when you get home (hope you have fun with your friends!) we know you will see this tomorrow.
We love you!

First we ate breakfast (and you know what a big breakfast I ate- I even helped make it!), and then we went to the park. Well, mommy checked her email first. She’s such a buggar!!!
Then we went home and I did a worksheet and had some lunch. I had a peanut butter and Amish jelly sandwich- on bread! And celery. And a banana. And a yogurt. (I was really hungry!)
Then I drew you a picture. It’s on the table for you. Mom tried to get me to take a nap- no way! Poop to that!

Hey, UPS man came! Time for a snack while I build my Playmobile sets…..

Then we went to get Kamikaze, and I fell asleep in the car. Guess I should have had my nap after all. Mom put me to bed when I got home, and I slept for about an hour. When I woke up, we played outside- it was really nice out, so mommy opened up the sandbox, too. I got really dirty and then took a bath. We watered the bugs (and they are cocooning!)

Then I had dinner, read a book, made mommy sing my song about 900 times, and went to bed. And made several escape attempts….
Love you daddy. Me and mommy missed you today. See you tomorrow! 🙂
Love, Little

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  1. I have to say as a traveling Dad, after reading your blog, I feel VERY convicted to start a blog from my perspective so my kids can see what I am doing. Using my iPhone for a video chat is nice, but not nearly as a day-by-day pictorial account of what I’m doing. I try to stay in touch with my kid’s favorite shows too by watching when I’m out of town so we have something to talk about. Since I work for DISH, my kids have been well acquainted with TV since they were born. I even told a friend who isn’t a DISH customer about the Test Drive thing on the main website for DISH. He found out how easy it is to use the Sling Adapter technology that allows me to watch live and recorded TV on my iPhone and Galaxy Tab when I’m away from home. Perhaps Skype is fun, but TV on the road makes being on the road that much more bearable.

  2. that’s really sweet
    I’m sure the big goon appreciates it 🙂

  3. What a sweet post! I bet Daddy enjoyed reading about your adventures.

  4. Anonymous says

    that’s adorable

  5. So sweet! I’ll bet his daddy will love this post!

  6. Oh I think that is so sweet and I can just picture little wanting to do and share all these things with his daddy.

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