Frecklebox- Fun Easter Gifts

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Daddy was excited about this particular review, and asked to man the review. Take it away, Daddy!

There is a certain amount of pleasure surrounding reading to your kids. Not only is it fun to see their eyes light up and follow the tale you are weaving, but it is also nice to know you are laying a foundation of good reading habits for them to follow into their adult lives. My father used to read to me and now I read as often as I can, I hope my kids do the same. But I will be the first to admit it is trying sometimes. The kids get bored, the story hits a not so exciting part, etc. There is a way to keep the kids interested in the whole story having them in the story!

Check out the new personalized books from Frecklebox. These are not the books you may remember growing up, where a one size fits all story has a few spots for a name in it, the story is quick and the end comes quickly. Frecklebox has a good variety of stories which can be used to have a story that fits your child perfectly. From adoption, to Easter and even aquariums.

We were able to try out the Easter Box book for the upcoming holiday and were thoroughly enjoying the ‘Little Man’ story, while Kamikaze really loved the We Chose You book. (As you know, Kamikaze is internationally adopted, and this book was great for her because it was about animals choosing their adopted child). Both kept the kids attention and they love to hear them as often as possible. They even love hearing the other one’s book. I think Little Man almost likes Kamikaze’s book more.


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  1. I know my Grandson would love these!!

  2. I ♥ personalized books, it makes them so much more fun for the little ones to read!

  3. those are so sweet! What a wonderful idea!

  4. OMG, too cute! I need to order these for my son!

  5. I love Frecklebox too and personalized books are always good.

  6. I love Frcklebox. My daughter makes me read her personalized book to her EVERYDAY! What a great idea for baskets

  7. OMgoodness! What a great idea, you are full of brilliance!

  8. What a great idea! I love giving personalized books!

  9. These sound like wonderful books and I’ll have to check them out for my grand children.

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