From the Mouths of Babes….

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Little Man’s interpretation of a 10 minute segment of the first Star Trek movie…yes, watching with daddy.
Scotty is in the clown wars. Not clone wars. Everyone in star trek is trying to go home.
They also have magic things come and they eat them.
What happens at the end of this? A toot. lots of toots, and a toot party. In Scooby Doo they have a toot party, like this *fart fart*, dance dance *fart fart*.
They are going back into town. Is it a good town or a bad town?
The town is a town- it doesn’t have bad guys inside, its not a walking town with a face and hands.
They are slipping now.

(Close Curtain)

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  1. My toddler isn’t talking yet, but I’m sure going to write this stuff down. Everything they do is cute when they are so little. I will miss these times.

  2. I think he sounds very profound and I think a toot party sounds like a gas! (excuse the pun)

  3. I try to write down all the cute stuff my kids say too ๐Ÿ™‚

    That’s so cute Sam!

  4. I still have my daughter’s first poem she wrote when she was four.
    It went
    “Sometimes I feel blue,
    Sometimes I feel naked,
    and sometimes I feel like I don’t have any hair.”

    We still tease her about this one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. My grandmother ( Mom to 8) always told me I should write down all the adorable and funny things they say, to have something to look back on. They do say the cutest things

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