How WAHMs Can Relieve Stress

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First things first: Although traditionally, a WAHM stands for a Work At Home Mom, if you are a mother, whether you are employed by a business or not, technically, this title refers to you. Indeed, all mothers are working moms within the home. Therefore, the information that is provided within this article is designed to help you out whether they have a paying job or not.
But, if you do find yourself to be a mom that has a home-based business, is a contracted worker or even has a day care within the house, hopefully, these tips will relieve a little bit of the stress that you’re sure to encounter while juggling work and home….while at home.
Know what kind of stress you’re under. In life, it’s hard to solve any problem without really knowing what the problem is and the source of it. So, when someone says, “I’m stressed”, that could actually mean that they are going through a variety of different things. They may be feeling anxious. They may find themselves feeling irritated and hyper-sensitive. They may be experiencing bouts of fatigue or unexpected losses of appetite. Or, they may have an extreme lack of concentration that prevents them from completing their tasks. In trying to figure out how to relieve your stress, take a moment to think about how the stress is personally affecting you so that you can make effective choices on how to treat it. Also take special note that if you notice physical changes over a long period of time, it’s advisable to consult your physical.

Take a break. A couple of them, actually. One of the greatest misconceptions about a person that works from home is that they don’t work as hard as people that are employed in an office. This couldn’t be further from the truth! For instance, in a traditional workplace setting, people are given lunch breaks and usually two 15-minute breaks as well. When you’re working from home, you may be in your house office for 10 hours before noticing that you haven’t had a meal. And yes, not taking out a bit of time to recharge and regroup can definitely cause stress within a person. Make sure to eat, give yourself permission to take a bit of a break and give yourself a time, each day, to “clock yourself out” from your daily duties.
Have a stress-less lunch. Did you know that there are certain foods that you can eat that can help to lower your stress levels? Nuts are high in magnesium; this helps to keep your cortisol levels low. Salmon’s Omega 3 oil quantities are great for keeping brain activity functioning at a healthy pace. Broccoli has an abundance of folic acid and dark chocolate is considered to be one of the highest endorphin-producing foods on the planet.
Go for a walk or run an errand. When you’re inundated with things to do, a change of scenery is oftentimes just the thing that you need to calm your mind (and nerves) down. Therefore, don’t feel guilty for making some time to take a walk around your neighborhood. Not only will it give you some much needed exercise and fresh air, but it can provide you with a boost of energy to complete your day. If you decide to run a quick errand, don’t apologize for putting your cell phone on vibrate. Everyone deserves a couple of minutes within their day when they can be quiet enough to hear their own selves think (or not think).
Light a candle, burn some incense, buy some fresh flowers. Something that all of these suggestions have in common is that they all provide a scent and studies show that aromatherapy can work wonders when it comes to decreasing a person’s anxiety level. Lavender, chamomile, rosemary, lemon, mandarin and citronella are all scents that are attributed to bringing about stress relief. The fragrance that comes from flowers like roses and jasmines are able to provide an anti-stress effect too. To learn more about which aromatherapy scents will best complement you, websites including, and can point you (and your nose) into the right direction of knowing how to create a calming atmosphere during a hectic day.


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  1. great post, definitely some helpful tips. I need to print this out so I can remind myself when my stress level starts to sky rocket.

  2. I call that last one Queendom hour but it also includes the Best of Mary J, played as loudly I wish 🙂

  3. I agree with you 100%. I also agree that just because your working at home doesn’t mean your working less.
    I work harder and longer because I’m my own boss and carry a whip.
    Great suggestions and I particularly liked your idea of buying fresh flowers.

  4. These are some great tips that I need to follow. Thanks for sharing them.

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