John Carter Movie Review

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Welcome welcome Earthlings, to the wonders of Barsoom. I will try to keep this is un-spoiler like as possible but I will take for granted that you have at least seen the trailer. If not, here is the trailer, enjoy.

In the newest flick from Disney John Carter, we are introduced to the wonders and oddities of Mars, or as the Martians call it- Barsoom.
John Carter takes place soon after the American Civil War. The story revolves around John Carter who is a rifleman from the confederate army. Since the war he has moved to Arizona, looking for a fabled treasure and ends up finding more then he bargained for.

Upon his arrival on Mars we meet many strange and delightful characters with odd names, including Tars Tarkas and Sola. Both of which are Thark, huge green humanoid aliens which are fiercely barbaric and have four arms. We also meet Dejah Thoris, the princess of the red martians, who are very similar to humans except their blood is of a different color then our own.

The main story follows Carter trying to find his way back home to Earth, and in the process discovering he may be more at home away from Earth then on it.

In regard to the movie itself it is very well put together. This story is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs Princess of Mars book, which is the first in the series of Barsoom stories. Because of this, there is a lot of back story and information in this first book, so the story itself is huge. I had recently read the book which this is based on and enjoyed it. An interesting thing to remember about the book is it was first published in 1917. Thus, it is one of the first huge epic Sci Fi stories. A lot of what we have seen in other popular lines are prevalent here as well. An out of place Earthling in a strange land, surrounded by strange creatures with strange customs. This movie is close to the story of the book with a few diversions from the book, but overall it is close.

The alien creatures are animated wonderfully, the Thark are strong and chiseled, with little emotion but in a few key points, there are glimpses of sorrow and fear with subtle facial expressions, like a lightly furrowed brow.
This movie will definitely get comparisons to Avatar by its viewers but the feel of the movie is more historic sci-fi. There aren’t computers and robots, but more gigantic machines and odd biology. The designs are definitely based upon 1920’s sci fi concepts, which is a nice touch.

The movies is rated PG 13, there are giant battle scenes and off camera violence which is shown through shadows and reactions by characters. There is also a lot of skin shown, but no “naughty bits”. Think very skimpy female bathing suit. Because of these reasons, I would say keep the little ones at home and give it a watch yourself first before bringing the family. This would probably be best as a mom and dad movie, or a dad’s night out.

The movie is also quite long, but moves quickly especially once John gets to Mars, so don’t expect to get bored- but do keep in mind the movie is a little over 2 hours long.
The 3D is a great touch, makes the sweeping landscapes jump and the light shining on Martian landscapes is a thing of beauty, but the movie would still be awesome in 2D.

Review by contributing writer Ian.

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  1. Great Review, I look forward to seeing this movie!

  2. I loved this movie (:

  3. can’t wait to see this

  4. This sounds like a movie our family would really enjoy!

  5. that sounds like a good movie.
    I have never read the book.
    IS it a good idea to read the book first?

  6. Good review. Kitsch could have definitely been a little bit more charismatic but the flick still works due to amazing special effects and some really fun and exciting action. Sad thing is that this flick was made for $250 million and won’t make any of it back. Not a must-see by any means but still a good one to check out for the fun of it. Check out my review when you get the chance.

  7. I had not heard of this. I’ll have to let me boys check out the trailer

  8. la la la la la la…I can’t hear you . This is on our list to see. La la la la la la………not listening

  9. THis looks like a very interesting film!

  10. I don’t go to the movies very often – But I am actually really excited to see this one 🙂

    Can’t wait!

  11. Sounds like someone my son would watch! 🙂

  12. Sounds like a must see flick.

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