The Muppets Coming soon on DVD

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Ok, first of all- I am going to take for granted in this review that you know who the Muppets are. If you don’t, please look into it, you really are missing a whole lot of awesome. Even better, find everything with Jim Henson‘s name on it, start with early stuff and go forward through time.

Everyone with me now? OK. This movie does them justice. The Muppets movie reminds me of an episode of The Muppet Show. One where the show is more about the backstage, not the front. With a whole lot of guest stars, a whole lot of music, and a whole lot of Muppets and funny business πŸ™‚ The songs will stick in your head, and you too will wonder whether you are man or Muppet, especially for some reason in the shower….. don’t ask. Just watch.

In terms of story, it follows a new Muppet who is looking to meet the cast of “The Muppet Show”, there are some zany issues and eventually the cast comes together again. This is a great movie for kids, the main issues we had with it was a lack of interest by Little Man, know why? There is no Muppets Show on TV right now….This we will discuss later on. But after listening to the sound track and pulling out some of Mommy’s old stuffed Fozzie Bears and Kermits he was excited to watch it. He loves music and puppets so this is perfect.

The voices and characters were very close to what I remember. I did think Kermit was a bit down and out through out the movie but near the end he pulled it together nicely. I have to say this is one of my favorite Muppet movies.
Now onto the negative of this movie,- after watching it, you will want to see a regular Muppet Show on TV. That is the negative. By the end of the movie you will realize the Muppets are magic and hypnotic and the Muppet show should be on the air again. Think of the incredible musical guests they will be able to pull in. Think of the actors and actresses that would come out of the wood work to be on stage with Kermit and Miss Piggy. A weekly Muppet Show would definitely draw my attention and never be missed by our family at least. I hope it happens and realize it probably won’t. WAKE UP TV PEOPLE! Lose a reality TV show or two, we can spare “Real Ink” or a cake show or two, LOL. Sigh. At least we have this new movie to enjoy, and watch it we will, over and over again.

I do seriously hope they bring back the show. Go Muppets!


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  1. The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast and you miss all you are traveling for.

  2. Oh I so want to see this I love those muppets!!

  3. The muppets are so cool! I hope Little Bit loves them as much as I did as a child.

  4. Oh, we saw it and my daughter just loved it. I will definitely have this is for on DVD. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Can’t wait to see this movie :O) probably my age but I’m excited.

  6. I guess I’m the only party pooper…glad everyone else like the Muppets!

  7. Cute, love The Muppets!

  8. My daughter loved this movie.

  9. I don’t know of anyone that doesn’t love the Muppets. Bring on the TV show!

  10. I can’t wait! I love the Muppets and I’m excited to share them with my daughter πŸ™‚

  11. Muppets are classic for sure!

  12. We love the Muppets! We will own this one!

  13. yay! I can’t wait to see this, my kids have been waiting on it πŸ™‚

  14. its great they have a new movie

  15. I’m excited for this one! My kids have actually never seen the Muppets. I can’t wait to hear whatthey think

  16. We are definitely getting this as soon as it is out! Even my 2 year old loves the muppets!

  17. We loved it! Lol..Ms. Piggy is my Queen πŸ™‚

  18. Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait to go buy this one!


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