A&P Supermarket- Meal Planning with #Cbias

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So now that the hubby is back to work all day and I am working from home, it is time for me to start making some dinners. This is a daunting task indeed. I have never cooked- I know. Don’t laugh. I cook on occasion, but not daily, no mean planning, etc- and I have no idea what I am doing.

He has always been home before me, and he likes to cook, sooo…..He tries his best and makes good food, most times, everyone has an off day or 2. Now its my turn to step up to the plate and I have no idea where to start. I want to make meals that are easy, delicious, nutritious and will get everyone’s seal of approval- even the biggest of critics the husband! (UGH. he’s such a brat.)
A&P is here to help me out a bit. A& P supermarkets are everywhere in my area, so finding a well stocked store is very easy and always convenient. Most of them are also 24 hours, which I LOVE.

Before my big trip to the store, I always do as Santa does: made a list, checked it twice. After that compare the list to the circular we get in the mail and to our coupons and figure out what we are getting in addition to our meal ingredients. Oh I forgot, we are making an American classic- Tuna Noodle Casserole. Can’t mess that up, right? Please? LOL.

Here is the recipe we are using:

1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup (Regular or 98% Fat Free)
1/2 cup milk
1 cup Frozen Sweet Garden Peas
2 cans tuna, drained
2 cups medium egg noodles, cooked and drained
2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
1 tablespoon butter, melted

  • Heat the oven to 400
  • Comments

    1. Good old tuna noodle casserole, tasty and simple to make!

    2. Yum that looks tasty!! Too bad hubby is not a tuna fan!!

    3. we LOVE tuna casserole! Cooking is fun…get a few cookbooks and just start experimenting!

    4. Meal planning will save your so much money. Plus cooking gets more fun the more you do it ๐Ÿ˜€

    5. good luck and I’m sure you’ll be great in no time.

    6. 24 hours is awesome

    7. You did a great job ๐Ÿ™‚

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