Time Management Strategies for Overwhelmed Moms

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Many moms receive the moniker of “Wonder Woman” because it seems like they can juggle a million
different tasks effortlessly. Of course, the truth is that you’re at your wits end. While you are more or
less getting by, you might start to find that the many tasks you take on in a day are not receiving your
full attention, leading to blunders that could be potentially disastrous. Yup, moms are definitely a busy,
multitasking lot. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to manage your time more effectively, reducing
stress and making for a happier household (and a happier you). Here are a few tips to try at your leisure,
and most will produce more leisure time.

1. Learn to say no. For most moms, this is easier said than done. You may be able to say no to your
kids when they want to go out for ice cream, but it can be a bit more difficult to turn down your
sister when she asks you to sit for her kids (what’s the problem – can’t they just play with your
kids?) or your church group when they call on you to provide your famous brownies for the bake
sale. But when it comes to time management, saying no is an absolute imperative. You don’t have
to give excuses and you don’t have to feel guilty. Your family is your priority and they have to
come before other obligations. By the way, you are also a priority, and don’t forget it.

2. Embrace imperfection. When you were living single, you might have enjoyed a spotless home.
But now you have kids, so it’s time to accept that sometimes a job half done is good enough. Being
a perfectionist just doesn’t work when it comes to running a home that houses a family. So instead
of checking for water spots on the faucet each night, content yourself with wiping the crumbs off
the counter and calling it good.

3. Get organized. No matter what you cut out or how you cut corners, there’s still a lot to do
when you’re a mom. So it behooves you to have some structure in place. The easiest way to get
organized is with a schedule. This will ensure that you are aware of all your daily obligations (and
those of your kids) so that you don’t end up overlapping activities. If you’re often on the go, think
about using a time management app for your smartphone that offers a calendar, checklists, and
reminder alerts. One great option is Wunderlist (Apple, Android, Windows), a freebie that helps
you sort daily task.

4. Delegate. Just because you wear many hats doesn’t mean you are beholden to your kids. The timemanagement definition necessarily includes management, so don’t hesitate to employ your kids in
this cause. Even at a young age they can help you by making beds, choosing outfits, and picking
up toys. And as they get older they can tackle household chores to help free up some time for you.

5. Make some time for yourself. You’re always the last one on your list, but when it comes to time
management techniques the worst thing you can do is leave no breadcrumbs for yourself. If you
don’t want to let stress get the best of you it’s important to see to your own needs once in a while,
even if that means dumping the kids on your spouse, your parents, or even a paid sitter so you can
grab coffee with a girlfriend, get a manicure, or do something that’s just for you. It will help to
keep you calm, focused, and energized for the hard work of raising a family.


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  1. My kids think my only word is no… 😉

  2. These are great tips. Thanks, I am always needing time management tips.

  3. the hardest one out of all of those is finding time for myself! Thanks for the tips!

  4. I love this list–learning to say no is so hard and my biggest problem!!

  5. This is really good advice. New mothers are especially prone to the temptation to push themselves to the limit, but all parents have to be careful about this one. Children get a lot more positive interaction with parents who take time for themselves. So just a little less is more in this case.

  6. Very solid tips for anyone who is overwhelmed for sure! (Which would be everyone, LOL!)

  7. No is huge!

  8. I think this is a great post and you are so right about Mom’s wearing so many hats that tasks can be delegated and they easily leave themselves last on the list. I use to be so organized and I’m trying to get back in the groove.

  9. I’m generally good at saying no if needed. I think it is great to serve others, just not at the expense of you or your family’s sanity. The place where I’m severely lacking is being organized. I’m so bad at that!!!

  10. no is a hard one

  11. I am prety good a no lol. I am not so good at being organized. I’m working on it though

  12. These are good strategies. I need help with saying no!

  13. I think these are all fantastic tips/points. In about 4 months, I hope to start employing many of them…lol! I’m sure it’s easy to get caught up in the moment of being busy and overwhelmed – but I like your strategies on how to puts things back into perspective.

  14. Good point about saying No. I’ve been bad about that and it is getting out of hand.

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