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If there’s one thing most moms can agree on it’s that there is little time left over between work, kids, and
the hustle and bustle of a busy lifestyle to attend to personal pursuits. Unfortunately, that can leave you
without the opportunity to work off those extra pounds that have seemingly crept up on you overnight.
Whether you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that the last little bit of baby weight is never coming off,
or a steady diet of chicken tenders and mac and cheese has done nothing but round out your waistline,
perhaps you would be interested in some simple and swift methods of shedding weight. So here are just a
few tips and tricks to get you on track.
1. Join a diet program. Right, so we just agreed that you had no time for yourself. But a program like
Weight Watchers, which exists in nearly every city, demands only half an hour each week for a
meeting (read: support group). It will give you the tools you need to set goals and adopt healthy
eating habits for life (which is good for you and your whole family). Plus, if you really can’t make
it to the meetings or the cost is beyond your budget, there is an online-only option that will still
get you access to all the info and tracking tools you need to succeed with weight loss. Considering
that diet is 90% of the battle of the bulge, it’s not a bad idea to invest in yourself with a sustainable
diet plan.
2. Get moving. You’ve probably heard the saying “calories in, calories out” where weight loss is
concerned. Every food comes with a calorie count, every activity burns calories, and if you’re
burning more than you’re consuming you’re going to start tapping your body’s fat stores to make
up the difference. Sounds easy enough, right? But it’s not. It can be made easier for the busy
moms out there, however, by doubling up on activities. When the kids are at soccer practice or
piano lessons, make your personal calls as you walk around the block (rather than sitting in the
car, working on your secretary spread). Or go jogging. Do jumping jacks. It doesn’t really matter
what you do as long as you’re making your heart beat a little faster.
3. Be aware. If you don’t have time for diet and exercise, at least take a few seconds before you wolf
down that second doughnut or guzzle yet another Coke or coffee drink to think about what you’re
doing. Do you even taste your food anymore? Instead of filling your fridge and pantry with sugar,
sodium, and preservative-laden snacks, think about adding equally easy options that are a lot
healthier like bottled water (or even flavored water), fresh fruit and veggies, and prepackaged trail
mix. All can function on the go and this small change could help you to lose a lot.
4. Get your zees. Studies have shown that sleep plays a big role in weight loss thanks to chemicals
(responsible for telling you when you’re hungry and satisfied) that get balanced when you hit
your REM cycle. So scheduling in your beauty sleep could actually, factually help you to get more
5. Take a breather! Making time for yourself isn’t easy, but a few minutes a day devoted to exercise,
diet, sleep, or even detox and cleansing your body can help you to lose weight and feel great. And
devoting yourself to your health will ensure that the family you work so hard to care for won’t
have to worry about being deprived of your presence prematurely due to heart disease, diabetes,
or any other potentially fatal afflictions that come with extra weight.
I believe you have remarked some very interesting points , thanks for the post.
I have heard that a cleanse is a good idea but….ummm…sounds messy.
keeping moving is important
Very valid points and I found increasing my metabolism by being more active really helped. Also do not finish what is on your child’s plate. Fix your own plate and be done with it.
Weight watchers has always been a good weight plan.