Top Health Issues for New Moms

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As if you and your body hasn’t been through enough at this point, there are health issues you have to
worry about long after the birth of your precious little one. Have no fear, Mama, here we talk about the top
concerns out there so sit back, relax (if that’s possible with either a baby or a pump constantly attached to
your nipple) and read on!

A key health concern for new moms is mental health. With a range of mental conditions being reported
in new moms, the top one is of course post-partum depression. Considering the amount of hormones your
brain has had to process not only in the last nine months, but especially during and post-labor, it’s no
wonder mommy brains can go a little haywire. It doesn’t speak at all to your capabilities. Come on, you
created a life and then pushed it out of your body, that in and of itself is sheer brilliance and strength. And
now a human life depends solely on you and your breasts. So, yes, your brain might need a little help. How
can you prevent this? Unfortunately, you can’t. The best thing you can do for yourself, your new baby and
your family is be vocal about your thoughts and feelings.

Need a break? Have daddy take over for a couple hours while you devote some much needed attention
to yourself. Do things that best promote relaxation and mental awareness, be it yoga, exercising, reading,
sleeping or a hot bath and a glass of wine. The worst thing you can do is hide your feelings from those
around you.

Your body just went through quite the trauma so make sure you’re taking care of any stitches or other
injuries that resulted from pregnancy or labor. Getting an infection from a wound will lead to a whole other
world of problems. If you notice anything strange about your body, anything, call your doctor. Even if it’s
nothing, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Accidents in hospitals do happen so staying in tune with your body
is the fastest way to know you’re as healthy as possible.

A strong support system can help a new mom through most anything, especially when it comes to keeping
her healthy. It’s much easier for new moms to forget to take care of her own health now that the baby
takes precedence. A key to staying healthy and happy as a new mom is to stay healthy. Exercise as much
as possible and eat right. Filling your body with nutrient rich foods will benefit you and your baby. Since
you’re a new mom, you may not have time to focus on what you eat, when you exercise or take care of
yourself. That’s where the support system comes in. Ask for help with preparing meals at night and grocery
shopping. Have grandma watch baby while you do some light exercise (only with the permission of the
doc, obviously). Tell your support system to keep your kitchen stocked with fresh foods and you’ll be
feeling better in no time.

Know any new mommies that still battling any health issues? Instead of giving her yet another pack of burp
cloths, think about getting her something more useful, like medical jewelry for women. Whether she’s stuck
in the hospital and could use a pretty medical ID bracelet or she needs to wear a medical alert bracelet to
make a medical condition known, there are a ton of styles and kinds available.

A strong support system and good nutrition can help new moms fight just about anything, especially health
issues. With those in place, you and your baby are in good hands. Don’t forget, you need to take care of
yourself before you’ll be able to really take care of anyone else. Make your needs known and don’t be afraid
to ask for help. Most of all, enjoy the new journey with your new baby. There’s nothing else like it.

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  1. china embassy singapore says


  2. I agree a break for Mom is needed. Thanks for taking the time to post this.

  3. I agree a break for Mom is needed.I want share some information about baby cradles. Cradle cum swing is a marvelous choice for growing babies,babies like swinging and it provide quick and healthy sleep,parents should buy baby cradles which is comfort,light weight and secure

  4. I need a break and I’m a old mom 🙂
    Women are notorious for not taking care of themselves….a new mama better start and set a precedence or she’s in for a long tired road.

  5. I’m lerning this NOW…..after 8.5 kids! BTW, im Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop- The QCSUPERMOM

  6. I agree a break for Mom is needed, especially with your first. Your body has physically and mentally gone through so many changes and your world completely changed.

  7. I had the severe postpartum depression, whatever it is called. A trip to the doctor is definitely called for in situations like that.

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